
Mathmech is an archetype that focuses on swarming the field with Level 4 Cyberse Monsters in order to Summon Synchro, Xyz, and/or Link Monsters. Uniquely, many Mathmech cards can temporarily manipulate Monster ATKs. Although known for its going second potential to OTK with Loading... , this deck is flexible and prefers to go first most of the time. Going first, this deck aims to set up a modest end board with decent interruptions and perform an OTK on the following turn.

  • Core Cards
  • Tech Cards
  • Combos
  • Combos (OTK)
  • Tips & Tricks
  • FAQ
  • Sample Decklists

Mathmech Cards

Mathmech Diameter
Mathmech Diameter

When Normal Summoned, this card allows you to Special Summon a Level 4 Cyberse Monster in your GY. In addition, a Mathmech Monster that was Synchro or Xyz Summoned using Loading... as a material gains an omni-negate during the turn it was Summoned. This card is also a Tuner. 3 Loading... are mandatory.

Mathmech Nabla
Mathmech Nabla

This card allows you to tribute 1 Cyberse Monster in order to Special Summon 1 Mathmech Monster from your Deck. Furthermore, during the turn Loading... was sent to the GY, your Cyberse Monster in the Extra Monster Zone can make up to 2 attacks on Monsters. This card is also a Tuner. 1 Loading... is mandatory, although 2 are recommended if you run Loading... .

Mathmech Sigma
Mathmech Sigma

This card is an extender that can Special Summon itself from your hand or GY if you control no Monsters in the Extra Monster Zone. However, it locks you into Cyberse Extra Deck Monsters for the rest of the turn, and it is banished when it leaves the field. Note that if this card is used as an Xyz material, it is not banished when detached. Finally, this card can be treated as either a Tuner or non-Tuner when used as a Synchro material for a Mathmech Monster. 3 Loading... are mandatory.

Mathmech Addition/Subtraction
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Subtraction

These cards are extenders that can Special Summon themselves from your hand by targeting a face-up Monster on the field, increasing/decreasing the targeted Monster's ATK by 1000 for one turn. Like Loading... , they lock you into Cyberse Extra Deck Monsters for the rest of the turn. These cards are non-Tuners. 3 Loading... and 3 Loading... are mandatory.

Mathmech Multiplication
Mathmech Multiplication

This card can increase the Level of a Level 4 Cyberse Monster to 8. Thus, you can easily Summon Loading... using Loading... and any Level 4 Tuner. Furthermore, during the turn Loading... was sent to the GY, you can double the ATK of a Cyberse Monster in the Extra Monster Zone, allowing you to easily OTK. This card is a non-Tuner. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Mathmech Superfactorial
Mathmech Superfactorial

Similar to Loading... , this card allows you to Special Summon a Mathmech Synchro/Xyz Monster using Mathmech Monsters in your GY. Most commonly, you activate this card during your opponent's turn to Special Summon Loading... . 1 Loading... is mandatory, although 2 are recommended if you run Loading... and/or 2 Loading... .

Primathmech Alembertian
Primathmech Alembertian

This card is your main searcher. When Summoned, it can search any Mathmech card, most commonly Loading... . In addition, this card allows you to tribute 1 Monster in order to Special Summon 1 Level 4 Mathmech Monster from your hand or GY. 2 Loading... are mandatory.

Primathmech Laplacian
Primathmech Laplacian

This card is your main form of disruption. When Summoned, it can non-target send to the GY up to 3 of your opponent's cards. Usually, you want to Summon it during your opponent's turn using Loading... and Loading... , which provides an omni-negate. This card can also protect your Mathmech cards from destruction by card effects. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Geomathmech Final Sigma
Geomathmech Final Sigma

This card is your in-archetype boss Monster. While in the Extra Monster Zone, it is unaffected by card effects (except Mathmech cards) and doubles any battle damage it inflicts when battling an opponent's Monster. Note that the battle damage is not doubled if it is a direct attack. In general, you want to Summon it using Loading... to double its ATK and immediately OTK. This card also searches any Mathmech card when it is destroyed by battle or card effect. However, this effect is rarely used since you should only Summon Loading... when you are certain that you can OTK. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Other Mathmech Cards

The remaining Mathmech cards are useful in certain situations, but are generally not run in most Mathmech decks.

Mathmech Division
Mathmech Division

This card allows you to tribute a Cyberse Monster in the Extra Monster Zone and Special Summon a Level 4 Cyberse Monster from your hand and/or GY. In addition, during the turn it was sent to the GY, it can halve a Monster's ATK. However, Loading... is generally a better alternative.

Mathmech Equation
Mathmech Equation

This card is an extender that can Special Summon a Mathmech Monster from your GY. However, unlike most of your other extenders, it does not add an additional Mathmech Monster name to your GY and thus does not set up Loading... .

Mathmech Billionblade Nayuta
Mathmech Billionblade Nayuta

This card is an equip card that allows you to send a Mathmech Monster from your Deck to your GY to boost the equipped Monster's ATK. This card synergizes with Loading... and Loading... , which can modulate Monster ATKs when sent to the GY. However, you can easily Summon Loading... from your Deck using other cards instead.

Mathmech Induction
Mathmech Induction

This card provides a form of disruption by popping 1 of your opponent's cards. However, since it is a Trap card, it is often too slow.

Geomathmech Magma
Geomathmech Magma

This card allows you to destroy up to 2 of your opponent's cards if it destroyed a Monster by battle. If you do not have a response to your opponent's Loading... , you can Summon Loading... to set up some board presence without giving your opponent too many draws. However, Loading... is generally a better alternative.

Other Core Cards

Balancer Lord
Balancer Lord

This card is your main starter and allows you to perform an additional Normal Summon. Furthermore, when banished, you can Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Monster from your hand. Usually, you activate Loading... 's effect to banish Loading... and search a Mathmech Tuner. Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon the searched Monster. 3 Loading... are mandatory.

Parallel eXceed
Parallel eXceed

This card is an extender that can Special Summon itself from your hand when you Link Summon. You can then Special Summon another Loading... from your Deck. Since its Level becomes 4, you can use it to Summon Link Monsters like Loading... or Xyz Monsters like Loading... . 3 Loading... are mandatory.

Link Disciple
Link Devotee

These cards are your main Link-1 Monsters. In general, you want to Link Summon Loading... using your starter and Loading... using your extender. Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and mulligan, triggering Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens. In certain situations, you can also Tribute Loading... with Loading... or Loading... to Summon an additional Mathmech Monster. Note that Loading... locks you into Link-2 or lower Link Monsters. 1 Loading... and 1 Loading... are mandatory.

Link Spider

These cards are your other Link-1 Monsters. Loading... allows you to somewhat recover after getting hit with Loading... , while Loading... allows you to negate a Trap Card. If you have Loading... and a Token from Loading... on the field, you can Link Summon Loading... /Loading... using the Token to trigger Loading... 's effect. Typically, you Summon Loading... or an extender like Loading... over Loading... during your first turn, which allows you to use Loading... against your opponent's Trap Card during your following turn. Run at least 1 of these cards (or both).

Cyberse Wicckid
Cyberse Wicckid

This card allows you to search any Cyberse Tuner if a Monster is Special Summoned to a zone it points to. It also protects Cyberse Monsters it points to from destruction by card effects. In general, you want to Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 Token from Loading... . You can then Link Summon Loading... /Loading... using the remaining Token, triggering Loading... 's effect to search a Mathmech Tuner. If you banished Loading... , you can Special Summon the Mathmech Tuner that you just searched. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

I:P Masquerena
I:P Masquerena

This card is your secondary form of disruption. Usually, you want to Link Summon Loading... at the end of your turn in a zone that Loading... points to. Then, you can Link Summon a Link Monster (e.g. Loading... ) during your opponent's turn. Note that you can only use non-Link Monsters to Link Summon Loading... . However, you can activate Loading... 's effect to tribute a Cyberse Link Monster and Special Summon a non-Link Mathmech Monster. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Splash Mage/Transcode Talker
Splash Mage
Transcode Talker

These cards allow you to Link climb into Loading... using any 2 Cyberse Monsters. First, Link Summon Loading... using any 2 Cyberse Monsters. Then, activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon a Cyberse Monster from your GY. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Monster you just Summoned. Then, activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon a Cyberse Link Monster from your GY. You can now Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Link Monster you just Summoned. 1 Loading... and 1 Loading... are mandatory.

Accesscode Talker
Accesscode Talker

This card is your secondary boss Monster. In general, you want to Summon Loading... over Loading... if your opponent does not control any Monsters OR if your opponent controls any cards that need to be popped. You can also Summon Loading... using Loading... to double its ATK (5300 -> 10600) and immediately OTK. Alternatively, you can also OTK without Loading... using Loading... (5300) and Loading... + Loading... (2000 -> 3000). 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Core Decklist

21 cards
3 copies
Balancer Lord
3 copies
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
Mathmech Nabla
3 copies
Mathmech Sigma
3 copies
Mathmech Subtraction
3 copies
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Mathmech Superfactorial
Geomathmech Final Sigma
Primathmech Laplacian
2 copies
Primathmech Alembertian
Link Disciple
Link Devotee
Cyberse Wicckid
I:P Masquerena
Splash Mage
Transcode Talker
Accesscode Talker

I:P Masquerena Targets

Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Knightmare Unicorn
Topologic Trisbaena
Topologic Zeroboros
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Mekk-Knight Crusadia Avramax

Depending on your Extra Deck space, you can run 1 or 2 Loading... targets. Broadly speaking, Loading... and/or Loading... are strongly recommended.

  • Loading... can provide multiple forms of disruption. Importantly, this card is a Kaiju that can be Link Summoned using 1 of your opponent's Monsters.

  • Loading... can return 1 of your opponent's cards from the field to their Deck.

  • Loading... and Loading... can help deal with backrow-heavy decks by banishing all Spells/Traps on the field.

  • Loading... can negate multiple Monster effects.

  • Loading... is an untargetable Monster that is also protected from destruction by card effects when Link Summoned using Loading... . Thus, it is very difficult to remove from the field for many decks. While it does not provide a disruption on the field, it has a floating effect that non-target shuffles a card on the field into the Deck.

Code Generator Package

Code Generator
Lady Debug
Code Talker Inverted

(NOTE: The following section was written by

, who has kindly given me permission to include it in this guide.)

The Code Generator package can give Mathmechs a well-needed boost in consistency while solving the primary drawbacks that typically come with generic Cyberse extenders (e.g. taking up your Normal Summon or not setting up your GY for Loading... ).

  • Loading... in hand can Link off with any Cyberse Monster to make Loading... , netting a free Special Summon and a foolish effect. This has three purposes: first, Loading... freely extends your plays by providing an extra Summon, typically used after Loading... 's search. This is particularly useful when you managed to search Loading... but have no way to Summon it. Second, Loading... 's built-in foolish can set up your GY with a missing Mathmech. However, in most cases, you can dump Loading... instead for a free Cyberse body. Third, Loading... ’s effect can be used to chain block Loading... ’s search, preventing your opponent from interacting with a combo chokepoint.

  • Loading... can also be used as part of the climb into Loading... , providing a free material if your climb gets interrupted, and optionally dumping Loading... for a 10600 ATK Loading... .

  • Finally, Loading... can optionally be added to the package as a searcher. In particular, Loading... + any extender is a 2-card combo.

Salamangreat Package

Salamangreat Balelynx
Salamangreat Sanctuary
Loading... is an alternative Link-1 Monster to Loading... /Loading... . If you have Loading... on the field, you can Link Summon Loading... to a zone that Loading... points to. When Loading... 's effect to search a Mathmech Tuner is activated, you can chain block with Loading... 's effect to search Loading... . Then, you can use Loading... as a discard for cards like Loading... .

Adventurer Package

Water Enchantress of the Temple
Wandering Gryphon Rider
Rite of Aramesir
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
Fateful Adventure
Foolish Burial
Cyberse Gadget

The Adventurer package offers an omni-negate and a bounce at the cost of being unable to activate the effects of Normal Summoned Monsters. Thus, if you choose to run this package, you usually run less copies of Loading... and Loading... . Instead, you can run Loading... , which can Special Summon 1 Token when it is sent from the field to the GY. Note that you cannot use Loading... 's first effect if you activate Loading... , although this is usually irrelevant in Mathmech anyway. On the other hand, Loading... 's second effect generates a Level 4 Token that can be used to Summon Loading... . You can also run Loading... instead of Loading... as a non-UR alternative.

Other Useful Cards

Cynet Mining
Pot of Desires

These cards are your main consistency cards. Run either 3 Loading... and/or 3 Loading... , depending on preference. Loading... allows you to search any Level 4 or lower Cyberse Monster at the cost of sending 1 card from your hand to the GY. If you send Loading... to your GY, you can then Special Summon it to your field. However, it is inherently -1 in card advantage, and Mathmech tends to burn resources from the hand at a fast rate. On the other hand, Loading... allows you to draw 2 random cards at the cost of banishing 10 random cards from your Deck. Nevertheless, it is always a +1 in card advantage. If you run Loading... , it is recommended to run 2 Loading... and 2 Loading... to decrease the probability that all copies are banished.

Maxx "C"
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Called by the Grave

These cards are staples in almost every deck.

Effect Veiler
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Infinite Impermanence

These other handtraps can prevent your opponent from establishing their board.

Crossout Designator

This card, along with Loading... , can help you deal with handtraps.

Forbidden Droplet

This card can help you break your opponent's board.

Harpie's Feather Duster
Lightning Storm
Cosmic Cyclone
Twin Twisters
Red Reboot

These cards can help you deal with backrow-heavy decks.

Foolish Burial

This card can help set up Loading... by sending a Mathmech Monster from the Deck to the GY. If you send Loading... , you can then Special Summon it to your field.


Despite the deck's potential to go second and OTK, you typically want to go first instead and set up a board with Loading... , Loading... /Loading... , and Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters (ideally including Loading... ) in your GY. Then, during your opponent's turn, you can activate Loading... to Xyz Summon Loading... and send up to 3 of your opponent's cards to their GY. In addition, Loading... provides a secondary form of disruption, while Loading... grants an additional omni-negate. Furthermore, if you Special Summon a Monster to a zone Loading... points to, you can also search a Mathmech Tuner for follow-up. Once you have successfully simplified the game state, you can then easily OTK on the following turn by Summoning Loading... or Loading... .

In this tab, I will present 5 example combos. In the next tab, I will provide some general guidelines on how to OTK with Loading... or Loading... .

  1. Loading... + Loading...

  2. Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

  3. Loading... + Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

  4. Loading... + any Mathmech Monster (except Loading... )

  5. Loading... + Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

Combo #1 - Loading... + Loading...

End Board: Loading... + Loading... + Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in your GY

  1. Normal Summon Loading... and activate its effect.

  2. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  3. Extra Normal Summon Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... .

  5. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute itself and Special Summon Loading... .

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and mulligan.

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens.

  11. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 Token.

  12. Link Summon Loading... using the remaining Token.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to banish Loading... and search Loading... .

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... .

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and Special Summon Loading... .

  16. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  17. Set Loading... .

Combo #2 - Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

End Board: Loading... + Loading... + Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in your GY

  1. Normal Summon Loading... and activate its effect.

  2. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by targeting Loading... .

  3. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  4. Link Summon Loading... using Loading...

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens.

  6. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 Token.

  7. Link Summon Loading... using the remaining Token.

  8. Activate Loading... 's effect to banish Loading... and search Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... .

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and Special Summon Loading... .

  11. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  13. Set Loading... .

Combo #3 - Loading... + Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

End Board: Loading... + Loading... + Loading... + Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in your GY

Note: This particular combo is protected from Loading... , since your 5th Summon is Loading... with Loading... as one of its materials.

  1. Normal Summon Loading... and activate its effect.

  2. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  3. Extra Normal Summon Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... .

  5. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by targeting Loading... .

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and mulligan.

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens.

  11. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 Token.

  12. Link Summon Loading... using the remaining Token.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to banish Loading... and search Loading... .

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... .

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and Special Summon Loading... .

  16. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  17. Set Loading... .

Combo #4 - Loading... + any Mathmech Monster (except Loading... )

End Board: Loading... + Loading... /Loading... + Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in your GY

  1. Normal Summon your Mathmech Monster (A).

  2. Link Summon Loading... using Mathmech Monster (A).

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon it.

  4. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon another Loading... .

  5. Link Summon Loading... using 1 Loading... .

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... and mulligan.

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens.

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 Token.

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon Mathmech Monster (A) from your GY.

  10. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the remaining Token.

  11. Xyz Summon Loading... using the remaining Loading... and Mathmech Monster (A).

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  13. Chain activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute itself and Special Summon Loading... .

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute itself and Special Summon Mathmech Monster (B) from your Deck. If Mathmech Monster (A) was not Loading... , Mathmech Monster (B) should be Loading... . On the other hand, if Mathmech Monster (A) was Loading... , Mathmech Monster (B) can be any Mathmech Monster except Loading... /Loading... .

  16. Link Summon Loading... using Mathmech Monster (B).

  17. Set Loading... .

Combo #5 - Loading... + Loading... + Loading... /Loading...

End Board: Loading... + Loading... + Loading... + Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in your GY

  1. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself.

  2. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by targeting Loading... .

  3. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  4. Normal Summon Loading... .

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your GY.

  6. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to tribute Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from your GY.

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon 2 Tokens.

  11. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  12. Link Summon Loading... using the 2 Tokens.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to banish Loading... and search Loading... .

  14. Set Loading... .

  1. Summon any 2 Cyberse Monsters.

  2. Link Summon Loading... using the 2 Cyberse Monsters.

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon 1 Cyberse Monster from your GY.

  4. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Monster.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon Loading... from your GY.

  6. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to increase its ATK to 5300 by targeting Loading... .

How to OTK with Loading... (with Loading... )

  1. Summon any 2 Cyberse Monsters.

  2. Link Summon Loading... using the 2 Cyberse Monsters.

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon 1 Cyberse Monster from your GY.

  4. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Monster.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon Loading... from your GY.

  6. Summon Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck by tributing 1 Cyberse Monster.

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... . Loading... MUST be in the Extra Monster Zone.

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to increase Loading... 's ATK.

  10. Chain activate Loading... 's effect to increase its ATK to 10600 by targeting Loading... .

How to OTK with Loading... (without Loading... )

  1. Summon any 2 Level 4 Monsters.

  2. Xyz Summon Loading... using the 2 Level 4 Monsters.

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect and search Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself and increase Loading... 's ATK to 3000.

  5. Summon any Cyberse Monster.

  6. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Monster.

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon 1 Cyberse Monster from your GY.

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Cyberse Monster.

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect and Special Summon Loading... from your GY.

  10. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  11. Activate Loading... 's effect to increase its ATK to 5300 by targeting Loading... .

How to OTK with Loading...

  1. Summon Loading... and any Cyberse Monster.

  2. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck by tributing the Cyberse Monster.

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to increase its Level to 8.

  4. Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... . Loading... MUST be in the Extra Monster Zone.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to increase Loading... 's effect to 6000.

  6. Chain activate Loading... 's effect to allow Loading... to make up to 2 attacks on Monsters during each Battle Phase this turn.

NOTE: Assuming that your opponent has 8000 LP,

  • If you Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... (but NOT Loading... ), you can OTK if your opponent controls 1 Monster in Attack Position whose ATK is less than or equal to 2000.

  • If you Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... (but NOT Loading... ), you can OTK if your opponent controls 2 Monsters in Attack Position whose combined ATK is less than or equal to 2000.

  • If you Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... AND Loading... , you can OTK if your opponent controls 2 Monsters in Attack Position whose individual ATKs are less than 6000 and combined ATK is less than or equal to 8000.

Rulings on Loading...

  • If Loading... 's effect is negated (e.g. by Loading... or Loading... ), it will still give an omni-negate to an Xyz or Synchro Mathmech Monster that was Summoned using this card.

  • The omni-negate given by Loading... does not negate continuous effects (e.g. Loading... ).

  • The omni-negate given by Loading... must be applied to the first Xyz or Synchro Mathmech Monster that was Summoned using Loading... and cannot be applied to more than one Mathmech Monster.

Rulings on Loading... + Loading...

  • You must chain link 1 Loading... 's effect and chain link 2 Loading... 's effect. This way, your Loading... 's ATK becomes 2300 -> 5300 -> 10600. In addition, your opponent cannot respond to this. On the other hand, if you chain link 1 Loading... 's effect and chain link 2 Loading... 's effect, your Loading... 's ATK becomes 2300 -> 4600 -> 7600. Furthermore, your opponent can respond to this.

  • When your opponent activates cards like Loading... , Loading... 's ATK will remain at 10600, not 2300.

  • If you do not successfully OTK, Loading... 's ATK will return to 2300, not 5300, at the end of your turn.

Other Tips & Tricks

  • Loading... deals double battle damage only when it battles an opponent's Monster, not when it attacks directly. Moreover, it does not deal piercing battle damage when it battles an opponent's Monster in Defense Position.

  • You can tribute Loading... with Loading... or Loading... instead of Loading... to Summon an extra body on the field.

  • If you activated Loading... and Summoned a Mathmech Monster in your GY to a zone Loading... points to, but you did not Summon a Mathmech Xyz Monster to a zone Loading... points to, you will still trigger Loading... 's effect to search a Cyberse Tuner Monster.

  • If your opponent plays Loading... and you chain Loading... to Summon Loading... , when Loading... 's effect resolves, the game will prompt you to detach 1 material to protect Loading... from destruction by card effect. In general, you do not want to do this, since Loading... will be sent to the GY anyway, unless you control other Mathmech Spell/Trap Cards (e.g. Loading... or Loading... ) that you want to protect.

How to Play Against Mathmech

  • In general, you want to prevent the Mathmech player from setting up Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in the GY. Common chokepoints include Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... , and a well-placed interruption can prevent the Mathmech player from searching an additional Mathmech Monster to send to the GY.

  • If possible, Summon your Monsters in Defense Position to prevent an OTK with Loading... . However, the Mathmech player may still be able to OTK with Loading... .

  • A Mathmech Monster that was Synchro or Xyz Summoned using Loading... as a material gains an omni-negate during the turn it was Summoned. Play around this accordingly!

  • Loading... cannot be destroyed by battle OR card effects. In addition, any Cyberse Monster in a zone that Loading... points to cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Hand Trap
Good Target(s)
Maxx "C"


Mathmech usually needs to Special Summon several Monsters before creating a board with any meaningful interaction. In general, this card will end the turn immediately.

Dimension Shifter


Activate this card immediately. This prevents the Mathmech player from setting up Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in the GY. In general, this card will end the turn immediately.

Droll & Lock Bird


Activate this card after Loading... 's effect resolves. This prevents the Mathmech player from activating Loading... to search a Mathmech Tuner Monster or Loading... to search Loading... .

Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
Skull Meister
PSY-Framegear Gamma
Token Collector
Link Devotee

Destroying or negating Loading... 's second effect prevents the Mathmech player from Summoning Link Tokens, which can be used to Summon Loading... .

Nibiru, the Primal Being


Activate this card immediately after Loading... is summoned. In general, this card will end the turn immediately. Do NOT activate this card while Loading... is on the field - doing so will trigger its effect to Summon 2 Tokens!

Artifact Lancea


Activate this card immediately after Loading... is summoned. This prevents the Mathmech player from activating Loading... to search a Mathmech Tuner Monster.

Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Effect Veiler
Infinite Impermanence
Mathmech Nabla
Cyberse Wicckid

Negating Loading... or Loading... prevents the Mathmech player from setting up Loading... with 3 Mathmech Monsters in the GY. Do NOT try to negate Loading... .

Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
Red Reboot
Mathmech Superfactorial

Negating Loading... prevents the Mathmech player from Summoning Loading... .

D.D. Crow
Called by the Grave
Mathmech Diameter

Activate these cards in response to Loading... . Banishing Loading... prevents the Mathmech player from Summoning Loading... with an omni-negate. However, they will still be able to Summon Loading... .

  • What is the general game plan? What does a typical end board look like?

In general, you want to go first and set up an end board with Loading... , Loading... , and at least 3 Mathmech Monsters (ideally including Loading... ) in your GY. Depending on your starting hand, your end board may also include Loading... and/or Loading... . During your opponent's turn, activate Loading... to Xyz Summon Loading... (ideally using Loading... ) and send up to 3 of your opponent's cards to the GY. In addition, Loading... gains an omni-negate if it was Summoned using Loading... , and Loading... provides a secondary form of disruption. If you Special Summon a Monster to a zone Loading... points to, you can also search a Mathmech Tuner for follow-up. Then, on your following turn, you can easily OTK with Loading... or Loading... . Likewise, if you are going second, you generally want to OTK with Loading... or Loading... .

You should Summon Loading... if your opponent does not control a Monster in Attack Position, or if they control a card that needs to be popped. Otherwise, if your opponent controls a Monster in Attack Position, you can summon Loading... instead.

This is entirely up to you! Loading... allows you to search any Cyberse Monster. However, you must send 1 card from your hand to the GY. Loading... allows you to draw 2 random cards. However, you must banish 10 random cards from your Deck. As a result, you must adjust your ratios accordingly (e.g. 2 Loading... ).

  • Why doesn't the game let me chain link 1 Loading... 's effect and chain link 2 Loading... 's effect?

In order to manually select the order of activation when multiple cards can be activated simultaneously, you must go into Game Settings > Duel > Activation Order Settings and change it from Off (default) to On.

  • Can I run the Adventurer package?

Yes! Although Loading... and Loading... are very good Normal Summons, the Adventurer package offers an omni-negate that can protect our combos and a bounce that can remove floodgates. Personally, I don't think the Adventurer variant is necessarily better than other variants, but feel free to try it out!

Yes! Loading... is a versatile card that can search starters, extenders, or even hand traps. Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... each have their advantages and disadvantages, so I recommend experimenting to see what you like best!

Deck #1

40 cards
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Balancer Lord
3 copies
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
2 copies
Mathmech Nabla
3 copies
Mathmech Sigma
3 copies
Mathmech Subtraction
3 copies
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Nibiru, the Primal Being
3 copies
Pot of Desires
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Mathmech Superfactorial
Geomathmech Final Sigma
Primathmech Laplacian
3 copies
Primathmech Alembertian
Link Spider
Link Disciple
Link Devotee
Cyberse Wicckid
I:P Masquerena
Splash Mage
Transcode Talker
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

Deck #2

40 cards
3 copies
Maxx "C"
2 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Balancer Lord
3 copies
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
2 copies
Mathmech Nabla
3 copies
Mathmech Sigma
3 copies
Mathmech Subtraction
3 copies
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Nibiru, the Primal Being
2 copies
Pot of Desires
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Crossout Designator
2 copies
Forbidden Droplet
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Mathmech Superfactorial
Red Reboot
Geomathmech Final Sigma
Primathmech Laplacian
3 copies
Primathmech Alembertian
Link Disciple
Link Devotee
Cyberse Wicckid
I:P Masquerena
Splash Mage
Knightmare Unicorn
Transcode Talker
Topologic Zeroboros
Accesscode Talker

Deck #3 (with Code Generator package)

40 cards
3 copies
Effect Veiler
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Code Generator
3 copies
Balancer Lord
Lady Debug
3 copies
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
Mathmech Nabla
3 copies
Mathmech Sigma
3 copies
Mathmech Subtraction
2 copies
Mathmech Diameter
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Foolish Burial
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Mathmech Superfactorial
Geomathmech Final Sigma
2 copies
Primathmech Laplacian
2 copies
Primathmech Alembertian
Link Disciple
Link Devotee
Cyberse Wicckid
Code Talker Inverted
I:P Masquerena
Splash Mage
Knightmare Unicorn
Transcode Talker
Accesscode Talker

Deck #4 (with Adventurer package)

40 cards
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Water Enchantress of the Temple
3 copies
Cyberse Gadget
3 copies
Mathmech Addition
Mathmech Multiplication
Mathmech Nabla
3 copies
Mathmech Sigma
3 copies
Mathmech Subtraction
2 copies
Mathmech Diameter
Wandering Gryphon Rider
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
3 copies
Cynet Mining
2 copies
Rite of Aramesir
Foolish Burial
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon
Fateful Adventure
2 copies
Called by the Grave
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
Mathmech Superfactorial
Geomathmech Final Sigma
Primathmech Laplacian
2 copies
Primathmech Alembertian
Link Spider
Link Disciple
Link Devotee
2 copies
Cyberse Wicckid
I:P Masquerena
Splash Mage
Transcode Talker
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World

Final Thoughts

And that's the guide! Mathmech is receiving upcoming support in the form of Loading... , which greatly increases the deck's consistency and resiliency to hand traps and other disruptions. Nevertheless, the deck currently remains a solid deck that can easily OTK.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or the Mathmech channel in the MasterDuelMeta Discord. Otherwise, if you notice any mistakes or have any suggestions, let me know! I also want to say a big thank you to the members of the Mathmech channel who provided feedback while I was creating this guide. Have fun!