
Plunder Patroll is a mid-range archetype that focuses on summoning out its Extra Deck monsters based on the attributes your opponent controls and are in their GY. Plunder boss monsters then either banish or negate cards and search a specified type of Plunder Patroll card from their deck. They additionally have a heavy emphasis on equipping their monsters to their Extra Deck monsters to gain card advantage, quick effects, and search effects. While it's not a deck that has immediate impact from the first card it plays, once it flips the switch it can snowball, resulting in tons of advantage gained while reducing your opponent’s cards at the same time. A lot of players enjoy this deck as the archetype itself promotes interaction by relying on the attributes of your opponent’s monsters. In addition, you will have lots of triggers, summons, and effects you can do during your opponent’s turn. All this combined make playing this deck very diverse as no two duels are the same.

Core Cards

Main Deck

Whitebeard, the Plunder Patroll Helm
Whitebeard, the Plunder Patroll Helm

Whitebeard is the most important Main Deck monster and your primary Main Deck method of gaining card advantage. When sent from the hand or monster zone to the GY it allows you to Special Summon a Plunder Patroll monster from your deck, at the cost of locking you into Plunder Patroll monsters for the rest of the turn. This is the best card for you to discard to trigger your Patrollships and its ability to flip into a Patrollship (or Loading... ) during your opponent’s turn allows this card to engine out your deck by itself, or by being discarded and summoning other monsters.

Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey
Redbeard, the Plunder Patroll Matey

Redbeard is the second of your “Flipping” monsters, which means it can flip itself into a Patrollship (or Loading... ) if your opponent has the proper attributes during your opponent’s turn. His secondary effect where he can attach himself to a Plunder Patroll monster when sent from the hand or field to the GY is not as useful as Whitebeard’s, but can be extremely vital in certain situations. Redbeard often requires other cards and combinations to make use of this niche effect, but when you do it’s extremely useful. The most important job Redbeard will do is be summoned off of Whitebeard to flip into a ship during your opponent’s turn causing more disruptions.

Bluebeard, the Plunder Patroll Shipwright
Bluebeard, the Plunder Patroll Shipwright

Bluebeard is your free special if you control a Plunder Patroll monster without locking you into Plunder Patroll monsters for the rest of the turn. This is very useful and grants you avenues of Extra Deck play you wouldn’t have otherwise letting you easily go into Loading... and Loading... , Loading... , or Loading... next to another Main Deck Plunder Patroll monster. Additionally, when it’s sent from the hand or monster zone to the GY you can discard 1 card to draw another. Not a huge benefit, but the cycling of cards in your hand can help you draw into a plunder card needed for discarding and extra effect’s you can trigger (such as discarding a Loading... can give you immense advantage. It’s also great bait for Loading... .

Goldenhair, the Newest Plunder Patroll
Goldenhair, the Newest Plunder Patroll

Goldenhair is your only 1 card starter into your primary link monster Loading... . It has 2 effects in a slightly different style than the other Main Deck monsters. You can discard or send from your field a Plunder Patroll monster to Special Summon it from your hand without locking you into Plunder Patroll monsters, and you can Special Summon it from the GY by discarding any card which does lock you into Plunder Patroll monsters. The first effect doesn’t come up often, but keep in mind you can send a monster that is currently an equip. The summon from GY often becomes a reoccurring summon every turn.

Blackeyes, the Plunder Patroll Seaguide