
SPYRAL is a spy-inspired archetype that includes two supporting sub-archetypes - SPYRAL GEAR and SPYRAL MISSION. Many SPYRAL cards involve correctly declaring the card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap) of the top card of your opponent's Deck. In addition, many SPYRAL cards lack hard once per turn clauses and can be used several times in a single turn. Due to the lack of summoning restrictions, SPYRAL can take advantage of most generic Monsters, particularly Link Monsters. Thus, SPYRAL is currently an explosive combo deck that can build various end boards with multiple disruptions.

UPDATE: In the most recent banlist, Loading... was banned (from limited) and Loading... was semi-limited (from limited). These changes greatly diversify the end board of SPYRAL decks while slightly changing the combos.

  • Core Cards
  • Tech Cards
  • Combos
  • Tips & Tricks
  • FAQ
  • Sample Decklists



This card is your first main searcher. The first effect allows you to search 1 SPYRAL GEAR card if this card is Summoned. The second effect allows you to Special Summon this card from your GY by discarding 1 card (usually Loading... or Loading... ) if you control Loading... . However, this card is then banished if it leaves the field. Both effects are soft once per turn, allowing you to search and discard multiple cards. 2 Loading... are mandatory. (If this card was unlimited, we would run 3 copies.)

Note that both Loading... and Loading... are treated as Loading... while on the field. To prevent this card from banishing itself, you can overlay it with another Level 1 Monster to Xyz Summon a Rank 1 Monster (e.g. Loading... ). When it is detached, this card is sent to the GY instead. Alternatively, if you activated Loading... 's effect by discarding Loading... , you can chain activate the discarded Loading... and target Loading... .

SPYRAL Master Plan
SPYRAL Master Plan

This card is your second main searcher. The first effect allows you to search 1 SPYRAL MISSION card (usually Loading... or Loading... ). The second effect allows you to add 1 Loading... AND 1 SPYRAL Monster from your Deck to your hand when this card is sent from the field to the GY. Note that the first effect is soft once per turn, whereas the second effect is hard once per turn. 2 Loading... are mandatory.

In general, you want to send this card from your hand or Deck to the GY as soon as possible. You can send this card from your hand with cards such as Loading... or Danger! Monsters, or from your Deck with cards such as Loading... or Loading... . Importantly, this card synergizes with Loading... by creating a loop in which Loading... searches SPYRAL MISSION cards, which are then discarded by Loading... .

SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL Super Agent

This card is an extender that can also help break your opponent's board. Many SPYRAL cards (e.g. Loading... ) require that you control Loading... on the field. The first effect allows you to Special Summon this card from your hand if you correctly declare the card type of the top card of your opponent's Deck. The second effect allows you to pop 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls if it is Special Summoned by the effect of a SPYRAL card (e.g. itself or Loading... ). Both effects are hard once per turn. Most variants run only 1 Loading... , although up to 3 may be helpful in pure variants.


This card allows you to break your opponent's board and is treated as Loading... while on the field or in the GY. Like Loading... , this card can pop 1 card your opponent controls if you correctly declare the card type of the top card of your opponent's Deck. However, unlike Loading... , this card cannot Special Summon itself from your hand. On the other hand, this card's effect is soft once per turn and can thus pop multiple cards in a single turn. Most variants do not run this card, although up to 3 may be helpful in control-focused variants.

SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL Sleeper

This card is your in-archetype boss Monster and must be Special Summoned from your hand by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from your GY. In general, you can banish Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... , but try not to banish Loading... and Loading... . On either player's turn, this card can pop 1 SPYRAL card you control and up to 2 cards your opponent controls. However, this card can also completely wipe your own field if it is destroyed and sent to the GY. This can be mitigated by equipping this card with Loading... , which provides protection from destruction by battle or card effects. Note that if Loading... is equipped with Loading... and you target Loading... for destruction by its own effect, it is not destroyed while your opponent's card(s) are destroyed. 1 Loading... is recommended.

Although Loading... is an incredibly strong card, it requires that you run 2 bricks in your Deck, namely itself and Loading... . You can increase consistency by removing these 2 cards and including other tech cards instead. However, you sacrifice your strongest tool against backrow-heavy decks, in addition to your grind game.


This card is your third main searcher. The first effect protects other SPYRAL cards from targeting effects (e.g. Loading... ). The second effect allows you to search 1 SPYRAL Monster and is soft once per turn. The third effect requires you to shuffle a Monster from your GY into the Deck during your End Phase, which is usually not a problem. This card can be searched by Loading... . 3 Loading... are mandatory.

SPYRAL Double Helix
SPYRAL Double Helix

This card is an extender that can be Link Summoned using any 2 SPYRAL Monsters. Like Loading... , this card is treated as Loading... while on the field or in the GY. In addition, it can Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your Deck or GY if you correctly declare the card type of the top card of your opponent's Deck. This effect is hard once per turn. Only 1 Loading... is mandatory, although 2 may be helpful in pure variants.



This card enables other SPYRAL cards (e.g. Loading... ) that involve correctly declaring the card type of the top card of your opponent's Deck. The first (and most important) effect allows you to look at and rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck. Take this opportunity to set a suboptimal card at the top of your opponent's Deck! The second effect allows you to tribute this card and increase 1 SPYRAL Monster's ATK by 500 for each card your opponent controls. This is a Quick Effect and can be used to dodge Loading... . The third effect allows you to add 1 Loading... from your GY to your hand, thus providing a potential follow-up play. Only 1 Loading... is mandatory, although up to 3 may be helpful in pure variants.

SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort

This card can be equipped to 1 SPYRAL Monster you control. The first (and more important) effect provides the equipped Monster with protection from destruction by battle or card effects. Usually, you want to equip this card to Loading... . The second effect allows the equipped Monster to attack directly if you send 1 other card you control to the GY. When combined with Loading... 's second effect, this card can surprise your opponent by allowing you to attack for lethal. 1 Loading... is recommended.


This card is an extender that allows you to Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your GY. It also provides the equipped Monster with protection from destruction by battle. Most commonly, you search this card with Loading... in order to Special Summon Loading... from your GY. Note that when this card leaves the field, the equipped Monster is NOT destroyed. 1 Loading... is mandatory, although 2 may be helpful in some variants. Note that Loading... is hard once per turn.

SPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed
SPYRAL GEAR - Fully Armed

This card must be equipped to Loading... . The first effect increases the equipped Monster's ATK by 1000. The second effect allows you to banish up to 2 cards your opponent controls if the equipped Monster destroys your opponent's Monster by battle. The third effect allows you to Special Summon 1 Loading... from your GY when this card is destroyed and sent to the GY. Although the second effect is powerful, it is limited to the Battle Phase. Thus, this card is generally not run in most variants.

SPYRAL GEAR - Utility Wire
SPYRAL GEAR - Utility Wire

This card allows you to return 1 face-up card your opponent controls to the top of their Deck if you control Loading... . Although this effect is a decent interruption, many variants often do not end with Loading... on the field, instead opting for more generic boss monsters (e.g. Loading... ). Thus, most variants do not run this card, although 1 may be helpful in control-focused variants.



This card's first effect allows you to draw 1 card if a SPYRAL card you control (e.g. Loading... ) destroys a card on the field by battle or card effect. The second (and more important) effect allows you to banish this card from your GY and Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your hand. 1 Loading... is mandatory.


This card's first effect allows you to add 1 SPYRAL Monster from your GY to your hand. The second (and more important) effect allows you to banish this card from your GY and Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your GY. Often, you use this card to Special Summon Loading... from your GY. Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to search another Loading... . 3 Loading... are mandatory.


This card's first effect allows you to take control of 1 Monster your opponent controls if a SPYRAL Monster is Special Summoned to your field. The second effect allows you to banish this card from your GY to protect a SPYRAL Monster from destruction by battle or card effect. Although both effects are nice, other SPYRAL cards (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ) are generally better alternatives. Thus, this card is generally not run in most variants.

Non-SPYRAL Cards

Magicians' Souls
Magicians' Souls

This card is your best starter. The second effect allows you to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY and Special Summon this card. The first effect allows you to send up to 2 Spells/Traps from your hand and/or field to the GY and draw that many cards. Note that if you Special Summon Loading... from the GY with Loading... , you can use Loading... 's effect to send Loading... and Loading... (searched by Loading... ) to the GY and draw 2 cards. Although Loading... leaves the field, Loading... remains on the field. 3 Loading... are mandatory.

One for One
One for One

This card can be used to send 1 Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your hand to the GY and Special Summon 1 Level 1 Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your hand or Deck. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Barricadeborg Blocker
Barricadeborg Blocker

This card allows you to discard 1 card when Link Summoned. Then, you can add 1 Continuous or Field Spell (e.g. Loading... ) from your GY to your hand during the End Phase. In addition, this card provides face-up Spells you control with protection from destruction by card effects. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

This card is mainly used for its discard effect. Most commonly, you Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and 1 other Monster. When Loading... is sent to the GY and activates its effect, you can chain activate Loading... 's effect to discard Loading... . This prevents Loading... 's effect from being negated by cards such as Loading... .

Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess

This card can negate multiple Monster effects. When going first, you usually want to end your board with this card at the minimum. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Accesscode Talker
Accesscode Talker

This card is a generic boss monster. Try to Link Summon this card with a Link-3 Monster (e.g. Loading... ) in order to increase its ATK to 5300. Likewise, try to have as many Link Monsters with different Attributes on your field or in your GY as possible in order to destroy multiple cards. 1 Loading... is mandatory.

Core Decklist

19 cards
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
SPYRAL Sleeper
3 copies
3 copies
SPYRAL Double Helix
Barricadeborg Blocker
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker


  • SPYRAL cards can be found in the Secret Fighters Secret Pack. I recommend crafting Loading... to unlock the Secret Pack, since you need 3 copies of it.

  • Loading... can be found in the Darkest Magics Secret Pack. However, you should probably craft all 3 copies of Loading... , unless you are interested in building Dark Magician.

Consistency Cards


This card allows you to search Loading... . 1 Loading... is highly recommended.

Monster Reborn
Monster Reborn

This card is a flexible extender that can be used to Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your GY without using Loading... or Loading... . 1 Loading... is highly recommended.

Foolish Burial
Foolish Burial

This allows you to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

Foolish Burial Goods
Foolish Burial Goods

This card allows you to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

Where Arf Thou?
Where Arf Thou?

This card allows you to search Loading... if you control Loading... , and vice versa. This card is more commonly run in pure variants.

Machine Duplication
Machine Duplication
This card allows you to Special Summon up to 2 copies of Loading... or Loading... from your Deck if you control Loading... or Loading... . This card is more commonly run in pure variants.
Upstart Goblin
Upstart Goblin

This card allows you to draw 1 card at the cost of your opponent gaining 1000 LP. This card is more commonly run in pure variants.

Chicken Game
Chicken Game

This card allows you to draw 1 card at the cost of 1000 LP. This card is more commonly run in pure variants.

Small World
Small World

This versatile card allows you to banish 1 Monster (A) from your hand and 1 Monster (B) from your Deck, then add 1 Monster (C) from your Deck, given that Monsters (A) and (B) share exactly 1 trait (i.e. Type, Attribute, Level, ATK, or DEF), and Monsters (B) and (C) also share exactly 1 trait. Thus, this card allows you to search combo pieces, hand traps, or even board breakers. Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... are excellent cards that can bridge to most cards in your deck. 3 Loading... are highly recommended in Danger! variants.

Handtraps and Board Breakers

Maxx "C"
Maxx "C"

This card is a powerful handtrap that can be used to stop your opponent's combos. However, given the limited deck space, some variants do not run this card at all.

Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring

This card helps you deal with your opponent's Loading... . 3 Loading... are highly recommended.

Called by the Grave
Called by the Grave

This card helps you deal with your opponent's handtraps, including Loading... . 2 Loading... are highly recommended.

Forbidden Droplet
Forbidden Droplet

This card helps you break your opponent's board while also allowing you to send cards from your hand to the GY.

Rank 1 Xyz Monsters

After Loading... Special Summons itself from the GY, it is banished when it leaves the field. One way to prevent this is to use it as a material to Xyz Summon a Rank 1 Monster. When Loading... is detached, it is not banished but sent to the GY instead, and you can then use it to discard another card and Special Summon itself again. Running 1 Rank 1 Xyz Monster is highly recommended.

Sylvan Princessprite
Sylvan Princessprite
This card allows you to excavate the top card of your Deck and either add it to your hand if it is a Spell/Trap or send it to your GY if it is a Monster. Thus, you generally want to activate this effect after you have searched the cards that you need (e.g. Loading... ).
Ghostrick Dullahan
Ghostrick Dullahan

This card allows you to halve the ATK of 1 face-up Monster on the field. More importantly, it is a Dark Monster that can be used to Summon Loading... . However, this card is not mandatory, and you can run any other Rank 1 Xyz Monster instead.

Lyrilusc - Recital Starling
Lyrilusc - Recital Starling
D.D. Crow

This card allows you to search 1 Level 1 Winged Beast Monster (e.g. Loading... ).

Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
Downerd Magician
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder

This card allows you to battle with an Xyz Monster that is protected from destruction by battle. If you run this card, consider including Loading... and Loading... .

Knightmare Monsters

All Knightmare Link Monsters share the following effect:

If this card is Link Summoned: You can discard 1 card, then [...], then, if this card was co-linked when this effect was activated, you can draw 1 card.

In addition, they have continuous effects that depend on whether Monsters are co-linked or not. These cards can help you break your opponent's board by discarding Loading... to Special Summon Loading... and Link climb into Loading... .

Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Phoenix

This card allows you to discard 1 card when Link Summoned, then destroy 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls. In addition, co-linked Monsters you control cannot be destroyed by battle. 1 Loading... is highly recommended.

Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Cerberus

This card allows you to discard 1 card when Link Summoned, then destroy 1 Special Summoned Monster in your opponent's Main Monster Zone. In addition, co-linked Monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Knightmare Unicorn
Knightmare Unicorn

This card allows you to discard 1 card when Link Summoned, then shuffle 1 card on the field into the Deck. In addition, during your Draw Phase, you can draw 1 card for each different co-linked "Knightmare" Monsters on the field. 1 Loading... is highly recommended.

Knightmare Gryphon
Knightmare Gryphon

This card also allows you to discard 1 card when Link Summoned, then set 1 Spell/Trap from your GY. This effect synergizes with Loading... , which can send any card from your Deck to the GY. In addition, this card prevents non-linked Special Summoned Monsters on the field from activating their effects.


This card is a Link-1 Monster that requires 1 Level 1 Monster. Usually, you Link Summon this card at the beginning of your turn using Loading... . The second effect allows you to Special Summon this card from your GY by tributing 1 Level 1 Monster. Note that since the second effect is a Quick Effect, you can use it to tribute Loading... and dodge Loading... . 1 Loading... is highly recommended.

Artifact Dagda
Artifact Dagda
Artifact Scythe

This card is a Link-2 Monster that requires 2 Monsters with different names. This card allows you to set 1 Artifact Monster from your hand or Deck to your Spell & Trap Zone. This effect synergizes with Loading... , which prevents your opponent from Summoning Monsters from the Extra Deck.

Codebreaker Virus Swordsman/Berserker
Codebreaker Virus Swordsman
Codebreaker Virus Berserker
Codebreaker Zero Day

Loading... is a Link-2 Monster that requires 2 Effect Monsters. If this card is co-linked when it is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon Loading... from your hand, Deck, or GY. You can then Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... . If Loading... is co-linked when it is Special Summoned, you can Special Summon Loading... and Loading... from your GY. Thus, the Codebreaker package effectively converts any 2 Effect Monsters into 6 Link Materials. However, you have to carefully manage your Link Zones. Since the Codebreaker Monsters are Warrior Monsters, they can be used to Link Summon Loading... . Likewise, since they are Dark Monsters, they can be used to Link Summon Loading... .

Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Smoke Grenade of the Thief
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles

This card is a Link-2 Monster that requires 2 Warrior Monsters (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ). When this card is Link Summoned, you can add 1 Warrior Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck to your hand, but you cannot Summon that Monster, nor activate their effects. More importantly, this card allows you to send any number of Equip Spells (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck to the GY to Special Summon 1 Warrior Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck, whose Level equals the number of cards sent to the GY. This effect synergizes with Loading... and Loading... .

I:P Masquerena
I:P Masquerena

This card is a Link-2 Monster that requires 2 non-Link Monsters. This card provides an additional form of disruption and allows you to Link Summon 1 Link Monster (e.g. Loading... ) during your opponent's Main Phase.

Union Carrier
Union Carrier
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword

This card is a Link-2 Monster that requires 2 Monsters with the same Type or Attribute. This card allows you to equip 1 Monster from your hand or Deck to 1 face-up Monster you control with its same original Type or Attribute. This effect synergizes with Loading... , which prevents your opponent from Summoning Monsters from the Extra Deck.

Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion

This card is a Link-3 Monster that requires 3 Monsters with the same Attribute (usually Dark) but different Types (e.g. Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and/or Danger! Monsters). When this card is Link Summoned, you can send 1 card from your Deck to the GY. This effect synergizes with Loading... , which can set the Spell/Trap that you sent to the GY. In a pinch, you can use this card to send Loading... or Loading... from your Deck to the GY to start your combo. Note that after you use this effect, you must mill 3 additional cards. Thus, you generally want to Summon this card after you have searched the cards that you need (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ).

Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon
Mecha Phantom Beast Auroradon
Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion

This card is a Link-3 Monster that requires 2+ Machine Monsters (e.g. Loading... , Loading... , and/or Loading... ). When this card is Link Summoned, you can Special Summon 3 Tokens, but you cannot Link Summon for the rest of this turn. In addition, this card allows you to Tribute 2 Monsters and Special 1 Mecha Phantom Beast Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck. This effect allows you to access Synchro payoffs such as Loading... .

Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians

This card is a Link-3 Monster that requires 2+ Monsters, including a Spellcaster Monster. This card can be used to Link climb into Loading... or Loading... . If there are at least 3 Spells on the field or in the GYs, you can Special Summon 1 Spellcaster Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your hand or GY.

Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Mist Valley Apex Avian
Harpie's Feather Storm

This card is a Link-3 Monster that requires 2+ Monsters, including a Winged Beast Monster. You can Summon this card using Loading... or Loading... . During the End Phase, Loading... can Special Summon 1 Winged Beast Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your hand or Deck. Loading... provides an omni-negate. Consider also running Loading... , which negates any Monster effects your opponent activates until the End Phase if you control a Wind Winged Beast Monster. You can search this card with Loading... and Loading... .

Tri-gate Wizard
Tri-gate Wizard

This card is a Link-3 Monsters that requires 2+ Monsters, except Tokens. In addition, it gains effects based on the number of Monsters co-linked to this card. Importantly, if 3 Monsters are co-linked to this card, it gains an omni-negate. This card synergizes with Knightmare Monsters.

Firewall Dragon
Firewall Dragon

This card is a Link-4 Monsters that requires 2+ Monsters. Importantly, this card can return Monsters on the field and/or GY to the hand, up to the number of Monsters co-linked to this card. This effect synergizes with Loading... , which can send any card from your Deck to the GY.

Saryuja Skull Dread
Saryuja Skull Dread

This card is a Link-4 Monster that requires 2+ Monsters with different names. If you Link Summoned this card using 3+ materials, you can Special Summon 1 Monster from your hand. Furthermore, if you Link Summoned this card using 4 materials, you can draw 4 cards, then place 3 cards from your hand on the bottom of your Deck.

Unchained Abomination
Unchained Abomination

This card is a Link-4 Monster that requires 2+ Monsters, including a Link Monster. This card allows you to pop 1 card if a card on the field is destroyed by card effect, if a Monster is destroyed by battle, or during the End Phase. This card synergizes with Loading... .

Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World
This card is a Link-5 Monster that requires 4+ Effect Monsters. Like Kaijus, you can use 1 monster your opponent controls as material to Link Summon this card. This card has 2 strong disruption effects. When Link Summoned, it can negate the effects of all face-up Monsters your opponent currently controls. In addition, it can negate the activation of a card or effect that Special Summons a Monster(s) from the GY. This card also has a decent protection effect: It is unaffected by your opponent's activated effects, unless they target this card.

Loading... Targets

When Loading... is Link Summoned, you can send 1 card from your Deck to the GY. In particular, you can send a Tuner Monster that can Special Summon itself from the GY in order to access Synchro payoffs. Alternatively, you can send a Spell/Trap, which can then be set by Loading... . Lastly, you can send a Monster, which can then be added to the hand by Loading... .

Jet Synchron
Jet Synchron

This card is a Level 1 Tuner Monster that can Special Summon itself from the GY by sending 1 card from your hand to the GY.

Plaguespreader Zombie
Plaguespreader Zombie

This card is a Level 2 Tuner Monster that can Special Summon itself from the GY by placing 1 card from your hand on the top of the Deck.

Appointer of the Red Lotus
Appointer of the Red Lotus

This card allows you to look at your opponent's hand and banish 1 card until the End Phase.

Anti-Spell Fragrance
Anti-Spell Fragrance

This card prevents both players from activating Spell Cards until their next turn after setting them.

Synchro Monsters

Borreload Savage Dragon
Borreload Savage Dragon

This card is a Level 8 Synchro Monster that provides an omni-negate. Note that it requires 1 Link Monster in your GY. You can Summon this card using a Level 1 Tuner (e.g. Loading... or Loading... ) and a Level 7 non-Tuner (e.g. Loading... ).

Baronne de Fleur
Baronne de Fleur

This card is a Level 10 Synchro Monster that provides an omni-negate. You can Summon this card using a Level 3 Tuner (e.g. Loading... targeting Loading... ) and a Level 7 non-Tuner (e.g. Loading... ).

Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles

This card is a Level 9 Synchro Monster that can equip and destroy Loading... during the End Phase to discard 1 card from your opponent's hand. You can Summon this card using a Level 2 Tuner (e.g. Loading... ) and a Level 7 non-Tuner (e.g. Loading... ).

Naturia Beast
Naturia Beast

This card is a Level 5 Synchro Monster that requires 1 Earth Tuner and 1 Earth non-Tuner Monster. This card allows you to send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the GY to negate the activation of a Spell Card. This effect is not once per turn. You can Summon this card using a Level 1 Earth Tuner (e.g. Loading... ) and a Level 4 Earth non-Tuner (e.g. Loading... ).

Danger! Package

One weakness of the SPYRAL archetype is its consistency. Often, suboptimal hands can lead to particularly weak end boards. The Danger! package improves consistency by allowing you to draw and discard cards. In addition, all Danger! Monsters are Dark Monsters that can be used to Link Summon Loading... . However, you sacrifice deck space for tech cards like handtraps and board breakers.

All Danger! Monsters share the following effect:

You can reveal this card in your hand; your opponent randomly chooses 1 card from your entire hand, then you discard the chosen card. Then, if the discarded card was not [its own name], Special Summon 1 [its own name] from your hand, and if you do, draw 1 card. If this card was discarded, you can [...]

Danger!? Jackalope?
Danger!? Jackalope?

If this card is discarded, you can Special Summon 1 Danger! Monster from your Deck, except Loading... . This card guarantees a Danger! Monster on the field.

Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?

If this card is discarded, you can Special Summon this card. This card also guarantees a Danger! Monster on the field.

Danger! Nessie!
Danger! Nessie!

If this card is discarded, you can add 1 Danger! card from your Deck to your hand, except Loading... . This card also guarantees a Danger! Monster on the field (if you search Loading... or Loading... ).

Danger! Mothman!
Danger! Mothman!

If this card is discarded, you can have both players draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. Be careful - it may let your opponent draw into a handtrap! This card does NOT guarantee a Danger! Monster on the field. Run this card only if you are also running the Dugares package (see below).

Danger! Bigfoot!
Danger! Bigfoot!

If this card is discarded, you can target and destroy 1 face-up card your opponent controls. This card does NOT guarantee a Danger! Monster on the field. However, it can help you deal with your opponent's floodgates. This card is optional.

Dugares Package

The Dugares package provides an alternative way to send Loading... to the GY and Special Summon it to the field.

Dark Grepher
Dark Grepher

This card is a Level 4 Monster that can Special Summon itself from your hand by discarding 1 Level 5 or higher Dark Monster (e.g. Loading... ). You can then discard 1 Dark Monster (e.g. Loading... ) and send 1 Dark Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck to the GY. Only 1 Loading... is required.

Danger! Nessie!
Danger! Nessie!

If this card is discarded, you can add 1 Danger! card (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck to your hand.

Danger!? Jackalope?
Danger!? Jackalope?

If this card is discarded, you can Special Summon 1 Danger! Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck.

Danger! Mothman!
Danger! Mothman!

This card is a Level 4 Monster that can be Special Summoned from your Deck by Loading... .

Number 60: Dugares the Timeless
Number 60: Dugares the Timeless

This card is a Rank 4 Xyz Monster that requires 2 Level 4 Monsters (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ). The second effect allows you to Special Summon 1 Monster (e.g. Loading... ) from your GY. However, using this effect will skip your next Main Phase 1, so choose your Monsters' battle positions carefully.

Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite
Blackwing - Zephyros the Elite

This card is a Level 4 Monster that can Special Summon itself from your GY by returning 1 face-up card you control (e.g. Loading... ) to your hand. Since Loading... is soft once per turn, you can then activate Loading... again. This card is optional.

Reinforcement of the Army
Reinforcement of the Army

This card allows you to add 1 Level 4 or lower Warrior Monster (e.g. Loading... or Loading... ) from your Deck to your hand.

The most common SPYRAL combo is Loading... + Loading... . In this tab, I will present the Loading... + Loading... combo for a few sample decklists. In addition, I will present the Loading... + Loading... combo and the Loading... + Loading... sub-combo.

Combo #1 - Loading...


Magicians' Souls


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Phoenix
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess



  1. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by sending Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

  2. Normal Summon Loading... .

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  6. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... and Loading... .

  8. Activate Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... .

  11. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your hand.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck.

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck or GY.

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#1).

  16. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  17. Activate Loading... 's effect to halve the ATK of any face-up Monster by detaching Loading... .

  18. Activate Loading... 's effect to draw 1 card by sending Loading... (#1) to the GY.

  19. Link Summon Loading... in the EMZ using Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

  20. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  21. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#2).

  22. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  23. Activate Loading... 's effect by discarding Loading... (#2).

  24. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  25. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#3).

  26. Link Summon Loading... directly below Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  27. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your hand.

  28. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#3).

  29. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  30. Link Summon Loading... to the left of Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  31. Activate Loading... 's effect (#3) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY to the right of Loading... .

  32. Special Summon Loading... by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from the GY.

  33. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself to Loading... .

Combo #2 - Loading... + Loading...


Magicians' Souls


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess



  1. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by sending Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

  2. Normal Summon Loading... .

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  6. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  7. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... and Loading... .

  8. Activate Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... .

  11. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your hand.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck.

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck or GY.

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#1).

  16. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  17. Activate Loading... 's effect to halve the ATK of any face-up Monster by detaching Loading... .

  18. Activate Loading... 's effect to draw 1 card by sending Loading... (#1) to the GY.

  19. Link Summon Loading... in the EMZ using Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

  20. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  21. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#2).

  22. Link Summon Loading... down-right of Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  23. Activate Loading... 's effect by discarding Loading... (#2).

  24. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  25. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#3).

  26. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your hand.

  27. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#3).

  28. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  29. Link Summon Loading... down-left of Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  30. Activate Loading... 's effect (#3) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  31. Link Summon Loading... directly below Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  32. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip Loading... with Loading... .

  33. Special Summon Loading... by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from the GY.

  34. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself to Loading... .

Combo #3 - Loading... + Loading... + Loading...


Magicians' Souls


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Appointer of the Red Lotus



  1. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by sending Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

  2. Normal Summon Loading... (#1).

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to draw 1 card by sending Loading... to the GY.

  7. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  8. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... and Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... to search Loading... .

  10. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... .

  11. Activate Loading... 's (#1) effect to search Loading... .

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your hand.

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck.

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... (#2) from your Deck or GY.

  15. Activate Loading... 's (#2) effect to search Loading... .

  16. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... . Loading... then gains at least 3 Spell Counters.

  17. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  18. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#1).

  19. Link Summon Loading... in the EMZ using Loading... and Loading... .

  20. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... (#2).

  21. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your hand.

  22. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#1).

  23. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... (#1) and Loading... (#2).

  24. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

  25. Activate Loading... 's effect to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY. Loading... then sends the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY.

  26. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  27. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#2).

  28. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  29. Activate Loading... 's effect to set Loading... from the GY by discarding 1 card.

  30. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#2).

  31. Link Summon Loading... down-right of Loading... using Loading... (#1) and Loading... .

  32. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  33. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#3).

  34. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#3).

  35. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by tributing Loading... (#2).

  36. Link Summon Loading... down-left of Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  37. Activate Loading... 's effect (#3) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  38. Link Summon Loading... directly below Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  39. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip Loading... with Loading... .

  40. Special Summon Loading... by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from the GY.

  41. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself to Loading... .

  42. Next turn, during your opponent's Draw Phase, activate Loading... to look at your opponent's hand and banish 1 card until the End Phase.

Combo #4 - Danger! Synchro SPYRAL (with Loading... and Loading... )


Magicians' Souls


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Smoke Grenade of the Thief
Borreload Savage Dragon
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess



  1. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself by sending Loading... from your Deck to the GY.

  2. Normal Summon Loading... .

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#1).

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to draw 1 card by sending Loading... to the GY.

  7. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  8. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  9. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... and Loading... .

  10. Chain activate Loading... 's effect by discarding Loading... (#1). This chain blocks Loading... 's GY effect.

  11. Activate Loading... .

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  13. Activate Loading... 's effect (#1) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  14. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  15. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  16. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... .

  17. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  18. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your hand.

  19. Activate Loading... 's effect to rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck.

  20. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck or GY.

  21. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#2).

  22. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  23. Activate Loading... 's effect to halve the ATK of any face-up Monster by detaching Loading... .

  24. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding Loading... (#2).

  25. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  26. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your hand.

  27. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  28. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  29. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck by sending Loading... from your Deck to the GY. If you already have Loading... in your hand, send the second Loading... instead.

  30. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by tributing Loading... .

  31. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

  32. Activate Loading... 's effect to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY. Loading... then sends the top 3 cards of your Deck to the GY.

  33. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  34. Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  35. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself with Loading... from the GY.

  36. Activate Loading... 's effect (#2) to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  37. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... (#3).

  38. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by returning any card from your hand to the top of the Deck. If you did not return Loading... (#3), you can then set it.

  39. Synchro Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  40. Special Summon Loading... by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from the GY.

  41. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself to Loading... .

  42. During the End Phase, activate Loading... 's effect to equip Loading... from the GY.

  43. Activate Loading... 's effect to destroy Loading... .

  44. Activate Loading... 's effect to look at your opponent's hand and discard 1 card from their hand.

Combo #5


SPYRAL Super Agent


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess


  • This combo works for all sample decklists.

  • Loading... is equipped with Loading... .

  • Loading... has 3200 ATK.

  • This sub-optimal combo requires only 1 Loading... . However, you can end on a much stronger board if you have extender(s) in your hand, or if you run 2 Loading... in your Extra Deck.


  1. Normal Summon Loading... .

  2. Activate Loading... 's effect to look at and rearrange the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck.

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your hand.

  4. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  5. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck.

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  7. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  8. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... and Loading... .

  9. Chain activate Loading... 's effect by discarding Loading... .

  10. Activate Loading... to search Loading... .

  11. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from your hand.

  12. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  13. Activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

  14. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... .

  15. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY by discarding 1 card.

  16. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  17. Link Summon Loading... using Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .

  18. Special Summon Loading... by banishing 3 SPYRAL cards from the GY.

  19. Activate Loading... 's effect to equip itself to Loading... .

Sub-combo #1


Dark Grepher
Danger! Nessie!


  • This sub-combo requires that you run the Loading... package.

  • This sub-combo skips your next Main Phase 1, so choose your Monsters' battle positions carefully.


  1. Special Summon Loading... from your hand by discarding Loading... .

  2. Activate Loading... 's effect to search Loading... .

  3. Activate Loading... 's effect to send Loading... from your Deck to the GY by discarding Loading... .

  4. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your Deck.

  5. Xyz Summon Loading... using Loading... and Loading... .

  6. Activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from the GY.

General Tips

  • Practice, practice, practice! Many opening hands may seem like bricks at first glance. Don't be discouraged! Once you become more familiar with the deck, you will be able to start your combos even with unorthodox opening hands.
  • Many SPYRAL cards (e.g. Loading... ) require that you control Loading... . Note that Loading... and Loading... are treated as Loading... while on the field or in the GY.
  • If Loading... is equipped with Loading... , you can target Loading... and up to 2 cards your opponent controls for destruction. Then, Loading... is not destroyed, while your opponent's card(s) are destroyed.
  • When Loading... leaves the field, the equipped Monster does not leave the field.
  • If you are unable to break your opponent's board, you can try to attack directly using Loading... and Loading... .
  • If Loading... is Link Summoned using Loading... , chain link 1 Loading... and chain link 2 Loading... to prevent the former's effect from being negated by cards such as Loading... .
  • Loading... and Loading... mill random cards from your Deck. You generally want to activate these effects after you have searched the cards that you need. Adapt your combo accordingly! However, don't be afraid to use Loading... to send Loading... or Loading... from your Deck to the GY if you have no other way to start your combo otherwise.
  • Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from the GY is a Quick Effect. Thus, you can use its effect to tribute Loading... if your opponent activates Loading... .
  • Depending on your hand, you can bait or check whether your opponent has Loading... with cards such as Danger! Monsters, Loading... , and Loading... .
  • Many cards (e.g. Loading... and Loading... ) discards for cost. However, we are often more interested in the discard itself than the actual effect.

How To Use Loading...

  • If you activated Loading... 's effect to Special Summon itself from your GY by discarding Loading... , you can chain activate the discarded Loading... and target Loading... . Then, Loading... is not banished when it leaves the field.
  • If your opponent activates Loading... , you can respond with Loading... and prevent your SPYRAL Monster from being banished.
  • During your opponent's turn, you can activate Loading... to Special Summon Loading... from your GY and pop 1 Spell/Trap your opponent controls.
  • During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can activate Loading... to Special Summon 1 SPYRAL Monster from your GY and prevent lethal.
  • If your opponent activates Loading... and does not discard a Trap, you can respond with Loading... . Then, you can chain activate Loading... and Link Summon such that the number of monsters on your field becomes lower than the number of cards your opponent discarded. Since Loading... requires that the number of selected Monsters to be exactly equal (not up to) the number of cards discarded, it resolves without effect.

How to Use Loading...

Small World
  • Why should I play SPYRAL?

SPYRAL is an explosive combo deck with a unique gimmick of stacking the top of your opponent's Deck. Although the basic combos are not too difficult to learn, SPYRAL has an incredibly high skill ceiling, and every hand plays differently. Furthermore, due to the fact that SPYRAL can take advantage of many generic Monsters, there are several possible end board variants. If you enjoy combo decks and are up for a challenge, definitely give SPYRAL a try!

  • What is the general game plan? What does a typical end board look like?

In general, you want to go first and set up a board that locks your opponent out. First, try to set up a loop with Loading... and Loading... and Summon Loading... . Then, you want to start building your end board, such as Loading... or Loading... .

Going second, you want to break your opponent's board with Loading... and Knightmare Monsters. To Link climb with Loading... , search Loading... with Loading... , Summon a Knightmare Monster using Loading... , and activate the Knightmare Monster's effect by discarding Loading... . Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to Special Summon Loading... from your GY and continue to Link climb. Keep in mind that you can OTK with Loading... (if Summoned using a Link-3 Monster) + Loading... (5300 + 2800 = 8100).

  • Which variant should I run?

SPYRAL has an incredibly flexible Extra Deck and can build several possible end boards. Each variant in the Sample Decklists tab has its own advantages and disadvantages, although I recommend that beginners start with a pure link-based variant (see Sample Decklist #2). I do not recommend variants that focus on Extra Linking.

1 Loading... and 1 Loading... are mandatory. 2 Loading... and/or 2 Loading... are sometimes run in pure variants. You can safely dismantle the 3rd Loading... and the 3rd Loading... .

Loading... is used as a generic Link-2 Monster that can discard 1 card. If you Summon this card with Loading... , you can chain-block Loading... 's GY effect by discarding the Loading... searched by Loading... . This card is mandatory.

Loading... is used to send a Tuner (e.g. Loading... ) from your Deck to the GY. This allows you to access your Synchro payoffs (e.g. Loading... ), since none of the SPYRAL Monsters are Tuners themselves. Alternatively, you can send a Spell/Trap (e.g. Loading... ), which can then be set by Loading... . In rarer cases, this card can be used to send Loading... or Loading... to the GY to start your combo, provided that you have no way to do so otherwise. This card is mandatory in any variant that runs it.

Loading... is a Rank 1 Dark Xyz Monster that can be used to Summon Loading... . This card is NOT mandatory, and you can replace it with any other Rank 1 Xyz Monster (e.g. Loading... ). However, some combos require this card.

  • Can I run the Adventurer package?

As of now, no. SPYRAL is currently dependent on our Normal Summon (usually Loading... or Loading... ). Furthermore, the Adventurer package is relatively large and may reduce the Deck's consistency.

Deck #1 - Budget Pure SPYRAL (with Loading... )

27 cards
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
SPYRAL Sleeper
3 copies
Where Arf Thou?
3 copies
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Sylvan Princessprite
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
Barricadeborg Blocker
Tri-gate Wizard
Knightmare Unicorn
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Phoenix
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess


Deck #2 - Pure SPYRAL (with Loading... and Loading... )

40 cards
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
2 copies
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
SPYRAL Sleeper
Monster Reborn
3 copies
Machine Duplication
One for One
3 copies
Where Arf Thou?
2 copies
3 copies
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Ghostrick Dullahan
2 copies
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
I:P Masquerena
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Tri-gate Wizard
Knightmare Unicorn
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess


Deck #3 - Danger! SPYRAL (with Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... )

45 cards
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Danger!? Jackalope?
3 copies
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Danger! Mothman!
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
Dinowrestler Pankratops
3 copies
Danger! Nessie!
SPYRAL Sleeper
Danger! Bigfoot!
Monster Reborn
One for One
3 copies
Small World
2 copies
3 copies
2 copies
Called by the Grave
Appointer of the Red Lotus
3 copies
Ghostrick Dullahan
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Tri-gate Wizard
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
Knightmare Unicorn
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Knightmare Gryphon
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Union Carrier
Barricadeborg Blocker
Dragon Buster Destruction Sword
Tri-gate Wizard
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Appointer of the Red Lotus


Deck #4 - Danger! Synchro SPYRAL (with Loading... and Loading... )

44 cards
Attack Gainer
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
Plaguespreader Zombie
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Danger!? Jackalope?
2 copies
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Danger! Mothman!
Codebreaker Zero Day
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
3 copies
Danger! Nessie!
SPYRAL Sleeper
Monster Reborn
One for One
3 copies
Small World
Smoke Grenade of the Thief
2 copies
3 copies
2 copies
Called by the Grave
3 copies
Borreload Savage Dragon
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Ghostrick Dullahan
SPYRAL Double Helix
Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights
Knightmare Phoenix
Codebreaker Virus Swordsman
Barricadeborg Blocker
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
Knightmare Unicorn
Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians
Codebreaker Virus Berserker
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles
Smoke Grenade of the Thief
Borreload Savage Dragon
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess


  • This variant runs 2 Loading... because Loading... must send Equip Spell(s) from the Deck. Normally, you send Loading... . However, if your opening hand includes Loading... , you can send the second Loading... instead.
  • Loading... must Special Summon from the Deck. If your opening hand includes Loading... , you may be able to return it to the Deck using Loading... .
  • The Codebreaker engine is optional. However, it particularly synergizes with Loading... because the Codebreaker Monsters are Warrior Monsters.

Deck #5 - Danger! SPYRAL (with Loading... and Loading... )

48 cards
PSY-Frame Driver
2 copies
3 copies
Magicians' Souls
2 copies
PSY-Framegear Gamma
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Danger!? Jackalope?
3 copies
Danger!? Tsuchinoko?
SPYRAL Super Agent
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Danger! Mothman!
Codebreaker Zero Day
Mist Valley Apex Avian
2 copies
SPYRAL Master Plan
Dinowrestler Pankratops
3 copies
Danger! Nessie!
SPYRAL Sleeper
Monster Reborn
One for One
3 copies
Small World
3 copies
2 copies
Called by the Grave
2 copies
Forbidden Droplet
Harpie's Feather Storm
3 copies
Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale
SPYRAL Double Helix
Knightmare Phoenix
Codebreaker Virus Swordsman
Barricadeborg Blocker
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Codebreaker Virus Berserker
Firewall Dragon
Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion
Knightmare Unicorn
Knightmare Gryphon
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
Accesscode Talker
Underworld Goddess of the Closed World


SPYRAL Sleeper
SPYRAL GEAR - Last Resort
Simorgh, Bird of Sovereignty
Mist Valley Apex Avian
Harpie's Feather Storm
Knightmare Gryphon
Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess


Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading! I highly recommend watching some replays to gain a greater understanding of how to play the deck. Special thanks to

, , , and for providing feedback while I was creating this guide. If you have any questions and/or feedback, let me know (or ask in the SPYRAL channel on the MasterDuelMeta Discord)! Have fun!