Table of Contents

  • About the Authors
  • Introduction
  • Core Cards
    • Main Deck Traptrix
    • Extra Deck Traptrix
    • Other Core Cards
  • Hand Traps
  • Spells
  • Traps
    • "Hole" Traps
    • Generic Traps
  • Extra Deck
  • Pure Deck List Examples
  • Combos
  • Package/Engines
  • Future Tech Cards
  • Final Words

About the Authors

Hello, I'm

, I've been playing the TCG for almost 3 years now and I started my journey with Traptrix. Since then, I've always come back to this very enjoyable deck and I am here to explain how to beat the meta and rise with the greatest archetype ever created.

Hi, I'm

, I’ve played Duel Links since it came out and played the TCG off and on over the years. Traptrix has always been my go to TCG deck, since I love the archetype and the versatility of the deck !

Finally, we would like to thank

, , , , , , and User Name for helping update the guide.


Traptrix is an archetype about cute little plant and insect girls which will trick innocent men into following them in their Trap to finally devour their prey. You will have to do the same to achieve victory.

Your main goal is putting Loading... on the field, then lure your opponent into committing resources, punishing them for wandering on the field with your many Traps and finally, closing the deal with your extra ressources that Loading... will accumulate for you.

If you want to build this deck, you will want to open the Secret Pack Mother Nature's Snare, to unlock it you can craft any UR or SR of the Traptrix archetype. I would recommend getting either Loading... (SR) or Loading... (UR).

This deck is a control deck, meaning resource management is key. If you want to manage your resources the best way is to know how most of the other decks work to interrupt at the right time. Furthermore, since your archetype is based on Trap cards, it is quite slow and the games you will play may last longer than most other archetypes. However, do not fear as they are multiple variants that are easier than others making the deck playable for almost anyone.

Remember, the core of the deck is very small, so it is very easy to use other decks or engines with Traptrix! There isn’t just one correct way to play the deck, so don’t be afraid to try out new ideas that may not be listed in this guide!

Deck Difficulty: Medium, Depends on Game Knowledge and Variant

Core Cards

Before explaining all the cards of the deck, we will give you a list of core cards to use when playing Traptrix. If you want to play Traptrix, this is the minimum you need to make the deck work. Then you may add more Traptrix monsters, Traps and other cards to complete your deck.

Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Dionaea
Traptrix Mantis
Traptrix Vesiculo
Parallel eXceed
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Rafflesia

  • Main Deck Traptrix
  • Extra Deck Traptrix

Main Deck Traptrix

The main deck monster Traptrix are all unaffected by "Hole" Traps which makes the mirror match one of the most dreadful mirror matches in YuGiOh. Most monsters have an effect on normal and Special Summon.

Traptrix Myrmeleo

Traptrix Myrmeleo

Traptrix Mantis

Traptrix Mantis

Your bread and butter, I would highly recommend playing both of them at 3. Loading... is your monster searcher and Loading... searches for any "Hole" Traps.

Loading... can also return to your hand any of your set Spell/Traps and put them back on the field the same turn. Great to avoid targeting removal such as Loading... or Loading... . You may return to the hand the Traps set by Loading... to keep them on the field or trigger Loading... easily. Loading... also works wonders with Loading... since you will be able to Summon her via Loading... effect and return to the hand the card you got from Loading... to your hand before its banished or removed from the field by your opponent. Finally, trying to return a Trap set by the effect of Loading... will just banish the Trap instead of returning it to your hand.

Loading... , when Special Summoned, is a Loading... effect for your opponent's Spell/Traps. This is a Mandatory effect that will activate regardless of your opponent having a Spell Trap or not. This means Loading... effect will trigger as well if you Summon her on your first turn. You just need to be careful when you bring her back to avoid destroying a Spell/Trap like Loading... or Loading... .

Traptrix Dionaea

Traptrix Dionaea

Loading... will bring back a Traptrix monster from the GY on normal Summon, this is a great follow up for you second turn as you will usually have Summoned Loading... , allowing for an Xyz Rank 4 or Link play, depending on what you need. Loading... ’s Special Summon effect sets a "Hole" Trap from the GY. I would advise using it quickly as it will be banished on the following turn. You may return it to your hand with Loading... , in order to place it again, avoiding the banish effect.

Loading... ’s Special Summon effect is a "When" effect, so it can miss its timing so be careful on your chain links.

Traptrix Vesiculo

Traptrix Vesiculo

Loading... is an extender, which is always nice to have for an archetype that relies a lot on its normal Summon. Her effect to Special Summon herself will trigger Loading... . If you have the chance to activate her GY effect, it is a decent recovery tool that can come in handy. Just remember, you can only activate one of the two effects each turn. Loading... needs to be able to send a Trap to the GY in order to Summon itself, this means you cannot use her effect if Loading... was activated or a Trap set by the effect of Loading...

I would recommend playing 2 Loading... and 1 Loading... . You can add an extra copy of any of these preferably Loading... over Loading... if you feel you are lacking monsters.

Finally, do not hesitate to make Loading... with either of them, even if you cannot trigger their effect, Loading... will bring much more value than keeping them in your hand.

Traptrix Atrax

Traptrix Atrax

A really underrated card. You may play this card in specific variants, mainly the ones that use Loading... and/or Loading... . It makes your normal Traps unable to be negated, however your opponent can still chain effects to your Traps. For example, if your opponent activates Loading... to your Loading... , they will discard for cost a fairy but Loading... will still resolve afterwards.

Cards like Loading... or Loading... activated on the same chain as one of your Traps, that targets Loading... after the negate will result in your Trap being negated.

The "Hole" Trap activation from your hand part of her effects rarely comes into play, you may hold your "Hole Traps" if Loading... is on the field. You can directly activate Loading... if your opponent activates a hand Trap. This effect can become huge on your first turn, as it allows you access to Loading... to stop hand Traps like Loading... on your first turn, as you don’t need to set the Trap first.

Traptrix Nepenthes

Traptrix Nepenthes

Another Traptrix monster that usually does not see play but can be interesting to play at one copy. Just like Loading... , she does not have an effect on Summon which makes her weaker than the others but she can Special Summon from the deck or add to your hand a Traptrix monster after using a Hole Trap. You usually want to Summon her with Loading... effect and then you can either Summon another Traptrix monster, like Loading... to immediately get back the Hole Trap you just used, or add Loading... or Loading... to have a follow up play on your next turn. She brings even more resources which makes her good when you can use its effect as it will increase your card advantage. She is a good option in decks that focuses more on Hole Traps.

Traptrix Genlisea

Traptrix Genlisea

Unfortunately, Loading... is not a good card. She does not have an effect on Summon and her actual effect requires to have a Hole Trap in the GY and to tribute her. You can only use her effect during your second turn which is already an issue for a deck that wants to go first, she does not offer a good follow up play unlike Loading... and the Traps you set are banished when they leave the field. This means you cannot return them to your hand with Loading... , use them to Summon Loading... or recycle them with Loading... . You can set them back on the field with Loading... and they will no longer be banished when they leave the field after you set them back via her effect.

In any Traptrix deck, you will want between 8 to 11 main deck Traptrix monsters. With this amount you will usually open 1 Traptrix monster in your starting hand while still having Traps to control your opponent.

Extra Deck Traptrix

All Extra Deck Traptrix monsters are unaffected by Trap effects. All the Xyz monsters keep this effect only if they have materials attached to them. However Summoning under Loading... will negate their effect. If they are Summoned before Loading... , they will keep their effects.

Traptrix Sera

Traptrix Sera

The heart of the deck, can be link Summoned using any Traptrix monster. You should play as many as you can, no less than 2. Her first effect is to Special Summon any Traptrix monster that is not currently on the board from the deck when a normal Trap was activated. The second effect allows you to set any "Hole" Traps from the deck when a Traptrix monster effect is activated.

As a side note, both of her effects will create a new chain after the one where any effect meets its requirement. Her first effect can trigger from an opponent's normal Trap as well.

Usual First Turn combo would be to normal Summon any Traptrix, then Summon Loading... . Afterward, activate Loading... to trigger Loading... first effect. You can either go for Loading... which will activate her effect, Loading... to return to the hand one of your Spell/Traps, or Loading... if you have a Hole in the GY. Thanks to any of them, the second effect will kick in which allows you to set a Trap on the field and Summon any Xyz Rank 4 monster.

You should protect her as much as possible but you always have to keep in mind that you are playing a control deck. If you have to let her go because your opponent plans on doing his combo in main phase 2, you just have to accept it and keep your disruption for their combo.

If both Loading... 's effects activate in the same chain, the effect on the right will always Summon a Traptrix monster from the deck and the one on the left will set a Trap on the field. You can chain block any of those effects. This means if your opponent cannot negate the effect to Summon a Traptrix monster from the deck with Loading... if you choose it first, they will only be able to interact with the effect that is Chain Link 2, or the second effect you chose. Cards like Loading... will negate both effects regardless of which effect was activated first.

Traptrix Cularia

Traptrix Cularia

The other new addition to the deck. Strong card but it is a Link-2 so you will not use it as much. During your End Phase, you can bring back any Traptrix from the GY. Its main use is to have a Loading... at the end of each of your turns thanks to Loading... or recycle "Hole" Traps with Loading... .

Its other effect makes you keep a "Hole" Trap on the field instead of sending it to the GY after using it. It is a great monster to have once you have searched all of your "Hole" Traps in your deck and it will help you keep up with the opponent for longer duels.

You should Summon her using Loading... once you have used most if not all "Hole" Traps and have enough main deck monsters to fully utilize both of her effects. She is amazing for very grindy games or matchups where you need a specific Hole Trap available at all time, like Loading... to paralyze specific decks like Eldlich.

She can also help trigger Loading... if you draw it later in the duel. Her Link Arrows and material are perfect for this. First you can use Loading... and any Traptrix Monster to Summon her in your Extra Monster Zone and still trigger Loading... thanks to her Bottom Arrow, unlike Loading... or Loading... . It makes her the easiest Link Monster that you have access too that can trigger Loading... while still having Loading... in your Extra Monster Zone which can then lead to Summoning an Loading... for example.

If you use Loading... 's effect to set a hole Trap that was brought back by the effect of Loading... instead of sending it to the GY, the Trap will stay on the field and will not get banished. The same applies with Loading... effect.

Traptrix Rafflesia

Traptrix Rafflesia

The main Xyz Rank 4 of the deck. You can play one or multiple copies depending on the variant you want to play but one is usually enough. She is known for her effect to detach one and apply the effect of any "Hole" Traps from the deck by sending it. Loading... and Loading... are your main targets. If you choose to Summon her after Summoning Loading... and using Loading... you will be able to block a Loading... as it will be your fifth Summon. Note, this effect is still a monster effect, even though it copies the effect of the Trap, and it can bypass Trap protection.

Her other effect protects other Traptrix on the field from battle or effect destruction. This makes protecting Loading... a lot easier and allows the use of Loading... and Loading... to blow up your opponent board and keep the main deck Traptrix monsters on the field. The protection effect does not work on herself.

Finally I would highly recommend Summoning her with Loading... rather than Loading... + Traptrix monster as Loading... is a better target for his effect to return a card in the deck.

Traptrix Allomerus

Traptrix Allomerus

The other Xyz Rank 4 of the deck. You should play one as it is a decent card. The effect to Special Summon a Traptrix from the GY is always nice, and it can be one of the materials you detach as long as you already have a Traptrix monster in your GY.

The second effect comes into play when playing variants that rely on Loading... and Loading... , as taking an extra monster is always nice, especially since you will need the extra firepower to end the game faster. You can also trigger with Loading... .

Finally, you can make her with 3 materials in order to make a 4 materials Loading... if you are running low on Traps.

Other Core Monster Cards

Parallel eXceed

Parallel eXceed

Iron Dragon Tiamaton

Iron Dragon Tiamaton

You should play Loading... at 3 to fully take advantage of the cards. Loading... is a free Xyz Rank 4 on your first turn or 2 free monsters for a link Summon like the Knightmares.

Loading... is a quick effect that can block the Extra Monster Zone and destroy a Spell/Trap and monster in the same column. The destruction effect happens in a new chain after the Summon. You will need to play your Spell/Traps in specific zones to make it easier to trigger, you may lose your Spell/Traps. Tiamaton can be Summoned in any zone, it does not need to be in the same column.

Lord of the Heavenly Prison

Lord of the Heavenly Prison
Gallant Granite

The latest addition to our arsenal of tools in Master Duel. While not mandatory, it is a very good card to have. Usually played at two copies, this card is a lot more versatile than it seems. He can protect all set cards on the field, mainly your Traps from destruction. This effect alone prevents Loading... wiping our Traps and making us lose the game. This effect applies as long as he is revealed in hand and also applies to set monsters and set cards your opponent controls. When a set Trap is activated, you can Summon him from your hand. Just like Loading... , it will not chain block Loading... effect when it is Summoned and will always be activated as Chain Link 2 assuming your opponent does not use an effect in response to Loading... effect. Its 3000 ATK helps us a lot as the deck lacks in attack power, if it was revealed by its effect when you Summon him, you can set any Spell/Trap from your deck on the field. Cards like Loading... , Loading... or even Loading... can be added depending on what you will need. The problem of this effect would be that the opponent can destroy it before you can use it but you can also Summon Loading... from your deck with Loading... effect when you Summon Loading... to protect the card you got by returning it to the hand and setting it back if you need. You can also Summon it anytime you want to have an extra monster on the board via Loading... or an opponent Trap which is useful going second to help you get passed difficult board thanks to its high attack and can then be used to Link Summon other monsters like Loading... for example. This card can also be added to your hand via Loading... effect. You can Summon him however it is usually not a good idea as other Extra Deck monsters can provide disruption unlike Loading... and it is very susceptible to Loading... which Loading... can stop and Loading... can avoid. However, if you have some extra space in your Extra Deck you can consider playing it at 1 copy and bring it out when you have lots of Traps in hand as Loading... can help in certain circumstances. Overall, Loading... effects gives us more protection to cards that can easily stop Traptrix like Loading... and we have the tools to make this card shine even more thanks to Loading... and Loading... can deal with its weakness to set the searched can on the field by giving us a way to protect it. If you have two copies of Loading... in hand, including one that is revealed by its effect, when a Trap is activated, you will be able to Summon one of them. To recognize which one is revealed and to not miss out on its effect to set any Spell/Trap, you can look closely at both copies and the copy currently not revealed will have its bottom left hidden indicating it is private information just like when you can activate one of your hand Traps like Loading... .

Hand Traps

Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Maxx "C"
Dimension Shifter

These are the hand Traps I would recommend, you may see that I did not include a good portion of them but feel free to swap any of them. You should play at least 5 or 6 of them. Loading... is meta dependent but can surprise your opponent and lock them for a turn. Loading... is a decent alternative to Loading... , activation requirements are a lot tougher but it can bring a lot more also note that Loading... can be searched thanks to its effect after it goes to the GY as well as any Traptrix with 1500 or less ATK except Loading... . Also I would not recommend Loading... as you will be playing Loading... , but again it is still a good disruption so choose whichever suits you the best. Kaiju monsters are also a good option, they can be Summoned on the opponent field by tributing any monster, usually boss monsters with a lot of protection or negating effects as you will bypass any kind of protection the targeted monster may have. You go either for Loading... as it has the lowest ATK of them all or Loading... as it can be used when Loading... is on the field.


There are not a lot of Spells you can play, but a few are useful. You should not play a lot of them as Loading... is a must have in your deck.

Pot of Prosperity
Pot of Desires
Pot of Extravagance

My personal favorite is Loading... as you can choose which card to banish for your Extra Deck and you will usually not need more. I am not a fan of Loading... as it can banish your combo pieces but the draw 2 effect makes up for it. I will say the same thing for Loading... but it is a powerful draw card as well. I would play any of them at 3 copies given how important they can be.

Forbidden Droplet
Dark Ruler No More
Forbidden Chalice
Double Summon
These Spell cards can be useful in certain situations if you need an out to monster effects your opponent has on the board.

Loading... can not only set you up for an OTK with the Utopia combo with monsters that have 4k, instead of 2k, or less attack, but also negates their effect. This card is also non-targeting and can go around protection on certain cards like Loading... .

Loading... is great if you need a way to break certain negate-heavy boards, as it negates all face up monsters on the field for the entire turn and the negates cannot chain to the card. This card is amazing against decks like Drytron that runs Loading... .

Loading... is a budget version of Loading... . It does not need to send other cards to activate its effect but your opponent can activate effects in response to Loading... .

Loading... is also a F2P friendly card, it is another extender. The card can turn into a brick a lot but the advantage is you will be rewarded if you can utilize the card because the normal Summon effect of Traptrix monsters does not have a once per turn. If you use this card, include more Traptrix monsters or other cards to use as normal Summons than the recommended ratios.


"Hole" Traps

The other half of a Traptrix deck, they can be set by Loading... from the deck, searched by Loading... or used from the deck with Loading... . You should play at least 3 to 4 of them, you may go up to 6 or 7 depending on your playstyle.

Floodgate Trap Hole

Floodgate Trap Hole

It shuts down any attempt of a Link Summon with the given monster and blocks a zone. Especially good when facing pendulum deck as you can flip facedown every monster after their pendulum Summon, you can also prevent activatable effects like the Adamancipator monsters from triggering, also preventing them from Special Summoning the others because a facedown monster does not have an attribute. However, you can still use a face-down monster for a fusion. I would play 1 or 2 of them but if you have the space 3 is always nice. Note, Link monsters cannot be flipped face down, as they cannot be put into Defense Position.

Gravedigger's Trap Hole

Gravedigger's Trap Hole

It negates every monster hand Trap in the game. I don't think I need to add more explanation on why this card is a must have. It can also negate any banished Thunder Dragon effect or stop both effects of Loading... . One of the common mistakes with this card is thinking it can negate anything in the hand or GY, like Loading... but it only prevents Monster Effects. This card cannot be activated in damage, so it won't negate the effect of Loading... if you destroy a Sky Striker Monster by battle. Finally the 2000 burn can turn into a win condition if you struggle to finish games. I would play 1 or 2 of them but if you have the space 3 is always nice just like Loading... . This card is better than Loading... the higher you are on the ladder.

Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Loading... is a nice Trap to have at one copy depending on what you play against specific decks. Sky Striker is one of them, not as effective but good against Zoodiac as well. It will also trigger Loading... . It is not necessary like the others but you may add it as it will never be a dead card.

As a side note, this card is not considered as a Traptrix card according to the wiki. This information is not relevant at all but I just wanted to point that out.

Other "Hole" Traps

Acid Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Break Off Trap Hole
Chain Hole
D.D. Trap Hole
Deep Dark Trap Hole
Double Trap Hole
Giant Trap Hole
Network Trap Hole
Time-Space Trap Hole
Trap Hole
Trap Hole of Spikes
Treacherous Trap Hole
Void Trap Hole

These are the other "Hole" Traps that can be searched, a few of them can be interesting to play at one copy like Loading... or Loading... but most of them are too weak. Also as a side note, Loading... is neither a "Hole" Trap or a normal Trap so it is not worth playing.

Generic Traps

Core Generic Traps

"Hole" Traps on their own will not be enough to win that is why we will need extra Traps. I will just cover the core Traps you need and display the rest of your options later with each strategy that goes with it.

Infinite Impermanence / Lost Wind

Infinite Impermanence
Lost Wind

Loading... is a great hand Trap. It just fits almost perfectly in Traptrix as it can be activated for the hand, it can also disable Loading... or Loading... for a turn. Note that you can only deactivate Spell/Trap if the Loading... is set in the correct column already, as you do not get the column negation effect if activated from the hand. You also cannot activate Loading... if all monsters on the field are already negated, as you cannot negate a monster whose effects are already negated. The only drawback is making you unable to use Loading... , as you cannot activate Loading... on the turn it is set if a Trap is already in the GY.

You can get a free copy of Loading... thanks to the 750 gems bundle you can get in the shop. It is a very powerful card that can be used in many decks including ours, so it is highly recommended to buy this bundle.

Loading... is just as good, it recycles itself for free and it can be used during Damage Step to change the ATK of an opponent monster to help you destroy it by battle while restricting the opponent in the cards they can use to answer it. It is just as good as Loading... while being a R rarity card. You should note that the ATK reduction and effect negation of Loading... is permanent unlike Loading... . Another upside of Loading... is you can target your own monster, mainly Loading... if you need to Special Summon a Traptrix from the deck, another perk that Loading... does not have as well.

The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine

The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine

You want 3 copies of it. It can help trigger both effects of Loading... on the first turn thanks to its effect, it can be activated the turn it is set if you have no Traps in the GY. It gives a Free Xyz Rank 4 thanks Loading... first effect, usually a Loading... as it is an amazing card and will give you information on the deck you are playing against during their standby phase. It can also be used during the opponent's turn whenever you want to trigger Loading... and Summon any Traptrix monster, like Loading... to destroy a Spell/Trap on the opponent board and trigger Loading... other effect. It can also be used with Loading... to Summon Link monsters that require effect monsters like Loading... or Loading... . Since this card is not treated as a Trap while on the field, if you activate Loading... in response to Loading... , it will not be destroyed because it is not longer a Trap unlike Eldlich Traps. Finally, it is an easy way to trigger Loading... during the End Phase to ensure the opponent has a harder time removing the card you search with it. It is a better version of Loading... overall and is core to the deck.

Imperial Order

Imperial Order

Loading... does not have any synergy with Traptrix. However you do not play a lot of Spells, if you play any and this card is limited to one copy for a reason, it shuts down entire decks and can negate Loading... or any other Spells like Loading... . It will also protect you against your worst nightmare, Loading... and Loading... . If you know this card won't be useful and if it is still facedown you can use it for Loading... . If you do play Spells or run the Utopia Combo in your deck, you may want to have access to targeted Trap-based Spell/Trap removal, like Loading... . Note that Loading... can be used as a substitute, it is not as powerful but it will slow down the opponent significantly.

Trap Trick

Trap Trick

This card is not necessary, however it is always nice to have. If you have any space remaining in your deck, this is the card you want to put. It also means that every Trap you play must have at least 2 copies of them to resolve it. It gives a lot of flexibility at the cost of being able to activate only one Trap this turn after its activation. Being able to choose any normal Traps from your deck and being able to activate it on the next chain is what can give Traptrix the reaction needed to compete with most decks. This card works wonders when paired with powerful Traps like Loading... , Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... , as you can search these Traps on demand during your opponent's turn depending how situations change and also trigger Loading... on demand.

Heavy Storm Duster

Heavy Storm Duster

It is not core to the deck but it is a reliable way to deal with powerful floodgates and is a nice extra Spell/Trap removal for Traptrix. It can destroy and negate continuous Spells or field Spells effects, if activated right after them, or can destroy your own Artifact monster to trigger them. Play at least two of them so it can be a live target for Loading... and will allow you to draw it easily enough if needed. This is your out to cards like Loading... or Loading... .

Other Generic Traps

You want to play some of those Traps in your deck in order to complete them. If you run Loading... I recommend playing 2 copies of your Trap so it can be searched at any time.

Needle Ceiling / Torrential Tribute

Needle Ceiling
Torrential Tribute

Both really powerful Traps that should be played at 2 or 3 copies. They are also cheap to craft. One downside is they tend to clash with Loading... . When playing either of them you want to have Loading... on the board to protect the main deck Traptrix monsters thanks to her effect. You can also play Loading... to prevent your Traps from being negated. Loading... works well with these Traps as well. You will be able to steal any destroyed monster from your opponent's GY.

Compulsory Evacuation Device / Compulsory Escape Device

Compulsory Evacuation Device
Compulsory Escape Device

It is also important to have other Traps that can deal with smaller threats or decks that heavily rely on one big monster. These are the two best options. Loading... returns one monster to the hand which is a good disruption. Loading... returns a monster to the deck which is better but it requires you to do the same, it is best to activate when your opponent controls only one monster to not let them choose. Feel free to play one of them at 2 to 3 copies. Playing both of them could work as well.

Evenly Matched

Evenly Matched

One of the best if not the best Going Second card. It banishes facedown meaning your opponent will not be able to interact with the banished cards. It can be activated from the hand so you do not have to wait a turn if you control no cards. It can still be activated if your opponents control more cards than you but it will be less effective. This card is balanced out with the fact that it can only be activated during the end of the Battle Phase. Regardless, playing this card is a really solid option as you will not win the coin toss all the time. When you activate this card it counts itself in the number of cards you control so be careful about it.

Solemn Judgment / Solemn Strike

Solemn Judgment
Solemn Strike

They are counter Traps, meaning Loading... 's effect will not trigger. They also cannot be searched by Loading... . However, given how impactful they can be, they can still find a place in your deck. I recommend Loading... as the Life Point cost is not as big as Loading... will still disrupt most opponents' play. Loading... will be able to block anything. Cards like Loading... or Loading... are two great examples of problematic cards Loading... cannot handle.

Ice Dragon's Prison

Ice Dragon's Prison

First this card steals a monster from your opponent's GY. It can be chained to your opponent's Loading... for some extra value. The strength of this card comes from the fact it can be activated if the opponent has one monster in their GY which is one of the easiest requirements for activation. If your opponent is about to use a Loading... and discard a monster, you can target this monster with Loading... . You will steal a monster before your Trap is destroyed in contrast to most other Traps which will be destroyed without affecting the board. If you want you can also banish one monster on both fields with the same type, usually the monster you stole and any other monster on your opponent's field that meets the requirement. This effect does not target so you will be able to deal with problematic boss monsters as well. Overall a great card, I highly recommend using this card. Play a minimum of 2 copies and try to go for a third one if you still have some room in your deck.

Other Less Competitive Traps

Mirror Force
Dimensional Barrier
Different Dimension Ground
Waking the Dragon
Boo-Boo Game

Any Mirror Force Trap can be played but its issue is it cannot interact with the board unless the opponent attacks, which when reaching this point, the card might not be on the field anymore. Also, if you use Loading... , it is not the best target to seek as depending on when you activate it your opponent may not be in the Battle Phase yet. However, you can still find success with it and it is a normal Trap so it works well with the rest of your deck. The best one to use in Traptrix is Loading... since it bypasses most protection effects monsters have while clearing the board.

Loading... can prevent Fusion, Ritual, Xyz, Synchro or Pendulum Summon for one turn. Given the popularity of Swordsoul, the card became much more interesting than before. It cannot stop Link Summoning unfortunately, however it can stop multiple decks from playing or prevent specific monsters from being Summoned, like Loading... or Loading... . It has the advantage of being able to be activated whenever you wish, making Loading... or Loading... less effective. It's also an easy way to trigger Loading... . Finally, coupled with Loading... that steals the top card of the opponent deck, you can identify which deck they play and be able to call the right type even if they try to remove it before revealing what deck your opponent plays.

Loading... is an alternative to Loading... in the form of a Trap. Unlike its monster counterpart, it's very good going first but is not nearly as good going second. It also only banishes monsters so decks like Sky Striker won't be impaired as much as Loading... would. However, it is great at dealing with cards like Loading... and you can keep your own safe by activating Loading... after using its effect. Just like Loading... , it is still a very powerful floodgate like effect that can shut down certain decks for an entire turn. It also has the advantage of being able to use it whenever you want, making cards like Loading... not a problem. It is also a very easy way to trigger Loading... effect on demand if needed.

Loading... requires your opponent to destroy it to have an effect. It already poses a problem but if they do destroy it, Loading... can negate its effect. The good thing is if you are about to be hit with a Loading... , you can chain Loading... to bring one on the field. Same as the Mirror Force Traps, it will win you games because Loading... or Loading... can be just too much to handle for your opponent.

Loading... is similar to Loading... , instead of Summoning a boss monster from your Extra Deck, you can get back 2 Traps you have in your GY and you will be able to use them this turn. It also has another effect which makes you take no battle damage once, this effect is not great but it is still better than Loading... that does not have an effect at all. You are also not weak to Loading... unlike Loading... and it does not require you to play specific Extra Deck monsters unlike Loading... as well. Finally, its low rarity makes it a solid budget option if you want to play a card similar to Loading... .

A Traptrix deck should have around 15 to 20 Traps, including the "Hole" Traps. So if you play 18 Traps, if you use 4 "Hole" Traps and the core cards above, you should have to add around 6 to 7 generic Traps in your deck.

Extra Deck

Besides the Traptrix Extra Deck monster, you will not need any other monster in your Extra Deck, except one which is really important. If you do not want to spend gems on grinding these cards, you just fill up your Extra Deck with random cards for Loading... or Loading... .

Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder

Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder

You probably saw this card in every other deck that can run Xyz monsters, it is limited to one copy and it is because it wins games on its own. It will send every other card to the GY, it does not destroy or target which bypass most protection in the game. Its effect is not once per turn nor once per chain so, you can activate it multiple times in the same chain if your opponent tries to answer to its effect. On top of that, it has 3000 ATK which will help finish the game. Its second effect allows you to attach a card to it if your opponent destroys one of your cards. It will be rarely relevant but remembering it can make the difference.

Link Spider
Salamangreat Almiraj

Loading... can be made using a Loading... . It's purpose is to use it for other link plays as Loading... is a non-effect monster. There is not much more to say about it other than if you are running other link monsters you should have it as it will be a great extender. All the other link monsters you will see later in this section will require multiple effect monsters so this is the place this card will shine as you will usually use it to Summon them. This card is mandatory if you plan to play Loading... which can Summon Loading... because it requires 2 effect monsters to Summon Loading... .

This card should be more heavily considered for your Extra Deck if you run Loading... , as it can prevent total brick situations if you draw a Loading... , a Loading... , and no other monsters. The specific combo in case you encounter this situation is explained in the combo section located after the Package / Tech Cards section. You can get this card for free in the Link Generation starter deck.

There is also an alternative to Loading... that can trigger Loading... in case you don't have a Traptrix monster in hand, it's Loading... . Instead of using a Loading... , you will be using your hand Traps like Loading... or Loading... . It is not nearly as good or versatile as Loading... but is an option you can consider if you have enough space in your Extra Deck.

Accesscode Talker

Accesscode Talker

Loading... is an amazing card which is very popular in Traptrix. We can Summon it without too much trouble since we can generate a lot of resources and our extenders can help Summon it even faster to finish the duel.

Loading... has two effects, the first gives more attack depending on the Link Rating of the other Link Monster used for its Summon. This first effect will usually give him an impressive 5300 ATK if you used a Link 3 monster. Its other effect lets you destroy one card on the field by banishing a Link Monster you control or in your GY. It is not once per turn and this effect does not target but you will have to banish a Link Monster with a different attribute everytime. Also, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects in response to this effect. This is also a way to deal with Loading... , you can use its effect to destroy a card on the field and banish Loading... itself for cost and then destroy Loading... , since it is no longer on the field, it will not be affected by Loading... .

Borrelsword Dragon / Borreload Dragon

Borrelsword Dragon
Borreload Dragon

You should play only one of them if you do not have Loading... , they will help you end games faster as well. These are other generic Link 4 Monsters so they require a decent amount of resources, but have strong battle effects. Both of them are fine just like Loading... , so feel free to play whichever one you prefer.

Loading... can attack twice and take half of the attack of a monster it battles with, you just need another monster to put in defense for the second attack. The second attack effect is a Quick Effect so you can attack with your second monster and Loading... , then activate its effect and put the other monster in defense and attack again.

Loading... can target any monster on the field and make them lose 500 ATK and DEF permanently, this is a Quick Effect so you can activate it during either player’s turn. What makes him strong is when he declares an attack on any enemy monster you can take control of him until the end of your opponent's next turn. Loading... will not be able to attack again after using this effect as it happens in the Damage Step. You may attack with the monster you took control of.

Time Thief Redoer

Time Thief Redoer

Loading... is very strong and mainly used because we play 3 copies of Loading... . It has three effects which can be activated simultaneously depending on what material you detach. If it's a monster, he will banish itself until the end phase, a great way to protect him and if it's a Spell you can draw one card. Finally, if you detach a Trap, which will be possible thanks to Loading... , you can return one face-up card on top of the deck, you can also target your own card so do not activate this effect if the opponent has no face-up cards.

Loading... other effect attaches the card on top of your opponent's deck to itself allowing you to not only access the Spell effect but also give you information on what deck you are facing. This effect happens at each standby phase so it can help you plan when to activate your Traps.

If you have Loading... and any Traptrix monster in your opening hand, Summoning him instead of Loading... is an equally good play depending on what are your other cards in hand. Finally his effect is a Quick Effect, so you can activate it during your opponent's turn which is the reason why it is so good, as you can return to the deck any monster that would pose a threat to Loading... or the rest of your board.

Drill Driver Vespenato

Drill Driver Vespenato

Loading... is a Xyz Rank 5, you can Summon him by using any other Xyz Rank 4. It has 2500 ATK, does piercing damage so it is always a nice addition to help beat over monsters and finish a game. Its other effect will bring back from the GY any level 5 or lower monster. You can target any Traptrix and trigger their effect or any Artifact monster if you have any.

It is also a good way to deal with decks that rely on Loading... outside of Kaiju Monsters.

Also you cannot Summon a Loading... using Loading... if it was Summoned this turn.

Generic Xyz Rank 4

Here are some generic Xyz Rank 4 monsters you can play, having one or multiple of them is always nice if you have some space left in the Extra Deck and can afford them. They will help you when in a pinch.

Abyss Dweller
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
Tornado Dragon
Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
Gagagaga Magician

Loading... will seal the GY and it is a Quick Effect and should be activated during the Standby Phase. Chaining his effect to another effect triggering in the GY will not negate it, Loading... prevents the activation so use his effect as soon as possible.

Loading... will put any monster on the field in defense position and negate their activated effect, it does not work on continuous effect like the Loading... effect of a Loading... . This effect does not apply on Link monsters because they cannot be in Defense Position. Thanks to this, you can deal with problematic monsters with link monsters of your own such as Loading... or Loading... .

Loading... has the same effect as Loading... and is a quick effect. You can activate it during your opponent's turn to remove one of their facedown Spell/Traps or deal with any Spell/Traps during your turn as well. It is a decent option to have right now for the same reasons as Loading... . Just like Loading... you can also destroy your own Artifact monster to trigger them.

Loading... has the same effect as Loading... 's Trap effect but you do not need Loading... . You can also choose to flip a monster face-down for just one material if you prefer. This is not a quick effect so do not Summon it on the first turn like a Loading... . Loading... is a budget alternative to Loading... .

Loading... is a very good card that can bring back an Xyz monster from your GY. The main use of this card is to Summon Loading... a powerful boss monster that is not easy to deal with. You will Summon Loading... using Loading... and the Xyz monster you will have Summon from your GY, you can use Loading... to help you out as you can detach 2 materials to Summon a Traptrix from the GY, use her for a link play and you only need any other level 4 monster to have to Summon Loading... . Also, as long as Loading... is attached as material, Loading... can detach 2 materials to change its ATK to 4000 but its effect will be negated. You can only activate this effect in the main phase.

Other Generic Extra Deck Monster

Here a few other options you can choose from :

Missus Radiant
Evilswarm Exciton Knight
Number 106: Giant Hand
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
Bujinki Ahashima

If you are looking for budget Extra Deck options you can choose do add any of these :

Number 85: Crazy Box
Exosister Asophiel
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
Geonator Transverser

Loading... is used when Loading... is in effect. It will give you a 3000 ATK beatstick to help you deal with the situation. It also has a decent gamble effect however do not rely on it. This card cannot attack under normal circumstances.

Loading... will return a monster your opponent controls. It is similar to Loading... but only requires one material to detach instead of two. It can later be used for the Summon of Loading... .

Loading... can banish one card in the opponent's GY up to twice per turn by detaching one material. This is not a Quick Effect, however you can banish both Loading... and Loading... to prevent all 3 cards related to this package from using their effect. You can then equip it to any Xyz monster and give it a 1200 ATK boost.

Loading... gives piercing damage to the monsters pointed by a Link Arrow. It serves the same purpose as Loading... . You can set up an OTK if combined with Loading... which can be great to deal with Loading... .

Loading... can switch the control of two monsters it points to which can punish opponents for not being careful with their Main Monster Zone placement. You can get their boss monster while you give them a Traptrix monster.

Pure Deck List Example

Before diving into the combos and the engine the deck can offer, here is a pure Traptrix deck you may use as an example. The Extra Deck and the non core Traps can be changed for other options in the guide too.

40 cards
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
2 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Vesiculo
3 copies
Pot of Prosperity
Floodgate Trap Hole
2 copies
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Compulsory Evacuation Device
3 copies
Infinite Impermanence
3 copies
Solemn Strike
3 copies
Torrential Tribute
Imperial Order
3 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Traptrix Rafflesia
Traptrix Allomerus
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Time Thief Redoer
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Unicorn
I:P Masquerena
Accesscode Talker
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
Link Spider
Drill Driver Vespenato

This deck list is a F2P friendly list that is easy to pick up. After you added some powerful Extra Deck Monsters like Loading... , if possible you would then add some draw power like Loading... and hand Traps like more copies of Loading... . Feel free to fill up the Extra Deck with what you have available. One copy of Loading... , Loading... , Loading... and Loading... are used as it is guaranteed thanks to the bundles in the shop for 750 Gems each, I recommend getting them all. Loading... can be obtained for free in the starter deck Link Generation.

You can get Loading... in the Re-Contract Universe Structure Deck for 500 gems only instead of spending UR Crafting Points. But before buying it, you want to craft Loading... and get a free pull from the Secret Pack Champions of Hope which contains Loading... and can save you 500 gems or 30 UR Crafting Points.

40 cards
2 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
3 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Vesiculo
Traptrix Nepenthes
Gadarla, the Mystery Dust Kaiju
Lightning Storm
Double or Nothing!
Iron Dragon Tiamaton
2 copies
Floodgate Trap Hole
2 copies
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Time-Space Trap Hole
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Lost Wind
3 copies
Torrential Tribute
3 copies
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Infinite Impermanence
Solemn Judgment
2 copies
Traptrix Sera
Number 39: Utopia
Traptrix Rafflesia
Number 39: Utopia Double
Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
Number 85: Crazy Box
Triple Burst Dragon
Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
Number 82: Heartlandraco
Exosister Asophiel
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Link Spider
Geonator Transverser

Basic Combos

Traptrix is a going first strategy that relies on Traps, so there will not be a lot of combos. Here are a few combos you should know when starting.

  • Parallel eXceed + Any Traptrix : Normal Summon your Traptrix, try to bait Loading... with Loading... if you have it, then Summon Loading... , you can then activate Loading... from hand to Summon Loading... . You always want Loading... from a turn 1 Loading... . You are safe from Loading... as Loading... can negate it if you have a Loading... in deck.

  • The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Any Traptrix : Normal Summon your Traptrix, try to bait Loading... with Loading... (again) if in hand, then Summon Loading... , you can then activate Loading... , this will trigger Loading... to Summon another Traptrix from deck. You either want Loading... or Loading... . Loading... will always activate as it is mandatory, and Loading... just requires you to set any Trap and return it to your hand. This step will allow to set on the field a "Hole" Trap thanks to Loading... 2nd effect. You can then Summon Loading... or Loading... . Note that Summoning Loading... leaves you open to Loading... , you can still avoid the effect by activating Loading... effect, but you will lose Loading... .

  • The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Parallel eXceed + No Traptrix : Immediately activate Loading... and use it to make Loading... . Loading... being a normal monster and Loading... having an arrow pointing down makes this combo possible that's why Loading... is an important Extra Deck monster. You can then activate Loading... to make Loading... .

  • The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Parallel eXceed + Any Traptrix : You want to do the same combo as the Parallel eXceed + Any Traptrix. You need to Summon Loading... after you are done for this combo to protect yourself from hand Traps. If you activate Loading... effect, you won't be able to activate Loading... as a Trap will be in the GY. You can carry on with the The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Any Traptrix combo starting from the point where you Summon Loading... .

  • Traptrix Vesiculo + Dionaea : First you need to Special Summon Loading... via her effect to then Summon Loading... . Then you can Normal Summon Loading... and target your Loading... in the GY. This will trigger Loading... 's effect to get a "Hole" Trap from the deck. Then you can Summon Loading... using both Loading... and Loading... .

Extra Combos

  • Non Traptrix + Traptrix in GY For Traptrix Cularia : Take two lvl 4's, Summon Loading... . Use Loading... ' effect to Summon a Traptrix from the GY, ideally a Loading... to bring back a "Hole" Trap from the GY or Loading... to destroy a Spell/Trap. You can now link into Loading... using the 0 material Loading... and the Traptrix you Summoned. You get an additional Special Summon from the GY at the end phase. This can be useful to destroy more Spell/Traps or get more Traptrix monsters, if needed.

  • Traptrix Mantis + Parallel Exceed or The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine For Number F0: Utopic Draco Future: First, you Summon Loading... and you search for Loading... . You then follow the Parallel eXceed + Any Traptrix or The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Any Traptrix combo but instead of Summoning Loading... or Loading... , you will Summon Loading... . Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to Summon a Traptrix from the GY, it will trigger Loading... 's effect to set a "Hole" Trap on the field. You can then Special Summon Loading... using her effect and you can then use Loading... and Loading... for a Link-2 monster like Loading... . Finally, Summon Loading... and use its effect to bring back Loading... and use both of them to Summon Loading... and use it to rank up into Loading... . This specific combo is risky because you play into Loading... and you do not have Loading... on the board but it is an interesting line of play that was found by


Package / Engines

Package Section

Utopia Package

Number 39: Utopia
Number S39: Utopia the Lightning
Number 39: Utopia Double
Number 99: Utopia Dragonar
Double or Nothing!

You may play this package in your Extra Deck if you want some extra firepower.

First you can play Loading... with any Xyz Rank 4 "Utopia", you can Summon him using any of them. If he has a Xyz Rank 4 "Utopia" attached to him he can reach 5000 ATK which will beat over most monsters you will encounter. This card is also good if you draw your Loading... or your Loading... gets hit with Loading... , as you can just go into Loading... .

You can use Loading... and Loading... but you will need Loading... for Loading... ’s effect. First you need to Summon Loading... and use its effect to add Loading... to your hand and Summon a Loading... using him as material.This Loading... will have 5000 ATK but cannot attack directly. Then, during the Battle Phase, you will declare an attack and negate it with Loading... ’s effect and activate Loading... to attack again with 10,000 ATK.The two main uses is to OTK (One Turn Kill) your opponent , as long as they control a monster with less than 2000 attack, or, beat a Loading... without a Kaiju monster. An important detail about Loading... , you need to have Loading... in the deck to activate its effect. Even if you will draw Loading... and disable the combo, it is not recommended to play more than 1 copy of the card in your deck.

You can play any of the two options or both of them if you see fit. This package will give you some quick wins and will help you climb the ranks faster.

You can also Summon Loading... using Loading... effect. It can Summon any "Number" Xyz Monster but it will not have any material attached to it. However there is still one very good target that can be Summoned and has a great effect without needing a material attached to it, Loading... . Its effect to negate a Spell does not require a material and attach the negated Spell as material to itself. You can also detach a material to redirect an attack on itself which will protect your monsters from battle destruction. Finally it can gain ATK equal to an Xyz monster destroyed by battle or card effect, it rarely comes up but is a nice option to have.

Loading... is a UR, however there is a better alternative to directly crafting it. First you want to craft Loading... and get a free pull from the Secret Pack Champions of Hope which contains Loading... , Loading... , Loading... and Loading... . If you did not get Loading... , you can get a copy of it in the Structure Deck Re-Contract Universe for 500 gems only instead of spending UR Crafting Points.

Knightmare Package

Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Unicorn
Knightmare Gryphon

All four of them are really strong and having any of them is always nice. Loading... will help Summon any of these. All of them require a card to discard to activate their effect and they will draw a card if they are co-linked.

Loading... will destroy any Special Summon Monster that is not in the Extra Monster Zone. It is always great to have monster removal, it also works for Loading... 's Token. Additionally it will protect from effect destruction on any co-linked monster. This effect is a lot more useful than it seems.

Loading... has the same effect as Loading... 's Special Summon effect. We have already covered why Spell/Trap removal is so good. Additionally it will protect from battle destruction any co-linked monster. Since he has an Up arrow, just like Loading... , it will protect Loading... .

Loading... will return a card on the field to the deck. It is a really strong effect as it is one of the best forms of removal in YuGiOh. You will draw extra cards during the Draw Phase for each co-linked "Knightmare" monster with a different name. You will not see this effect, as it would mean you have enough resources to finish off the opponent.

It is at this point I will introduce Loading... , her effect allows you to link Summon during the opponent's Main Phase and the three monsters above will be your main targets as their effect triggers on their Summon. Also remember that the Knightmare are strong enough on their own and do not need Loading... .

Loading... can bring back any Spell/Trap from your GY and set it on your field. This card cannot be activated this turn. Once he is on the field, monsters that are not co-linked cannot activate their effects, it is a strong effect but it applies to you as well. As good as this card is, It justs requires too much resource to bring out so I would recommend using the other Knightmare monster over Loading... .

Tenyi Spirit - Adhara

Tenyi Spirit - Adhara
Naturia Beast
Relinquished Anima

Loading... is a Level 1 EARTH Tuner that can Special Summon itself if you control no monsters. The main goal is Summoning Loading... which can negate any Spell your opponent activates. This effect is not once per turn nor once per chain so you can not only prevent Loading... but you will also be able to stop any other Spell your opponent might have. The ideal scenario is to have Loading... and Loading... and any Trap in hand. After you Summon Loading... thanks to its effect, you can Normal Summon Loading... and add Loading... to your hand. You can Summon Loading... , then, you can Summon Loading... from your hand by sending a set Trap you control to the GY which will trigger Loading... to set a "Hole" Trap on the field and give you the necessary materials to Synchro Summon Loading... at the same time.

It can also be used to Summon Link Monsters like Loading... to protect Loading... from battle or Loading... to help you remove a monster on the opponent field when going second. He will also trigger Loading... when you Summon Loading... to give you access to an Xyz Rank 4 as well. Finally, you can also opt to Summon him early and use him later as material for a generic Link Monster like Loading... . You have to keep in mind you can only use a Traptrix monster to Summon Loading... since both materials needs to be EARTH. You can also choose to play generic Level 5 Synchro monsters in order to have more options if you cannot use a Traptrix Monster to Summon Loading... . You can use Loading... which can destroy problematic monsters thanks to its effect going second or Loading... with Loading... to have a powerful Counter Trap at your disposal if you go first.

Dreadnought Dreadnoid

Number 27: Dreadnought Dreadnoid
Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer
Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Super Dora
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max
Super Quantal Mech King Great Magnus

Loading... is always a nice surprise. Its effect allows you to Summon any Xyz Rank 10 or higher Machine monster and they are a few good targets. Loading... is a Loading... also your opponent cannot activate their Spell/Traps when you activate its effect. The 5000 ATK is the cherry on top. Loading... is a 3200 ATK monster that can make any monster unaffected by card effects just like a Loading... . If you have heard "Cowboy for game", it is referring to Loading... 's effect when in defense position, let me present you the "Gustav Max for game", it's bigger and better as it does 2000 damage to your opponent. Finally, Loading... , when he has two materials, you can detach one of them to shuffle one card on the field into the deck ; if he has four materials he is unaffected by all card effects ; if he has six materials he applies a Loading... effect to your opponent only. You can have this effect as Loading... can have as many materials as you wish.

They are other targets like Loading... , Loading... and Loading... . Note that after using the effect of Loading... you can have any Xyz Rank 10 and use them to Summon Loading... which can be himself used to Summon Loading... . If you used two materials for Loading... , you will end up with a Loading... with 5 materials.

Zoodiac / Heartlandraco

Zoodiac Chakanine
Zoodiac Boarbow
Zoodiac Drident
Number 82: Heartlandraco

The main objective of this package is bringing a Loading... with four to six materials. First you can Summon Loading... with two or more monsters. Then you can use him to Summon Loading... and attack directly thanks to his effect, he will have 0 ATK. You can then use Loading... to Summon Loading... and destroy a face up card on the field and finally use him for a four material Loading... . These two steps are interchangeable. You can have six materials on Loading... if you used three monsters for the Summon of Loading... and not use the effect of Loading... .

There is an alternative which is Loading... . He can be played alone, unlike the Zoodiacs. His effect allows him to attack directly for 2000 ATK if you detach a material, other monsters will not be able to attack if this effect is used. After attacking you can have a two materials Loading... . He can also help you finish games with his 2000 ATK.

Predaplant Verte Anaconda & Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer

Predaplant Verte Anaconda
Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
Fusion Destiny
Destiny HERO - Dasher
Destiny HERO - Celestial

Loading... is a very strong Extra Deck Monster and currently in the game the best target available is Loading... .

It is really useful if Loading... gets negated and you are stuck with Loading... on the field for example. You will need Loading... as Loading... is a normal monster and you need two effect monsters to Summon Loading... . If you manage to activate and resolve Loading... 's first effect, you can use the monster you will Summon instead of her. It is also possible to do the same with Loading... , however be careful because you can get punished with Loading... which will usually be usable when Loading... is Summoned, preventing you from using its effect.

Loading... can destroy both 1 card you control and 1 card anywhere on the field without targeting, this is also a Quick Effect. When he is destroyed, he can Summon himself back from the GY during the next turn. He brings extra disruption and can be extremely hard to deal with because he will come back every time he is destroyed, including by its own effect. It is highly recommended to play this card because of how good it is. You have to play Loading... alongside him in order to Summon him, it is also a very powerful card that can Fusion Summon Loading... using monsters from hand or deck. The only restriction on it is to be able to Special Summon only DARK "HERO" Monsters after you use it. The restriction is not a problem at all because you can use it from your hand at the end of your turn. You can play 2 copies of Loading... to help you draw it more often. You also have to play 2 Destiny HERO monsters, the best options available are Loading... and Loading... . Loading... can Summon a monster you drew during your Draw Phase. It is a free monster that can help for a Link Summon or to help you enable Loading... effect. You do not want to use this effect everytime as you might need the normal Summon effect of the Traptrix Monster you drew. Loading... can banish itself and a Destiny HERO in your GY to draw 2 cards if your hand is empty, it is not hard to have this effect available as you can just set your Spell/Trap on the field to enable it. You can't use the effect of Loading... the turn was sent to the GY.

Loading... is another monster you can Summon using Loading... effect. You will need Loading... , Loading... and Loading... . He can shuffle in the deck all monsters or all Spell/Traps your opponent currently controls by sending one monster or Spell/Trap you control. If you need to shuffle your opponent's GY in his deck, you can do it by sending the top card of your deck to the GY. He has 4500 ATK and will be protected from destruction once thanks to Loading... . It is also a decent option but not as good as Loading... because it can only be used during your second turn or during Turn 2 and its material do not have an effect. Its 4500 ATK is what makes the card interesting as it opens for an easier OTK.

Note that a Loading... can replace Loading... .

Deck List Example

Here is an example of decklist made by the player

42 cards
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
3 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
2 copies
Traptrix Vesiculo
2 copies
Fusion Destiny
Destiny HERO - Celestial
Destiny HERO - Dasher
2 copies
Lord of the Heavenly Prison
2 copies
Pot of Prosperity
2 copies
Floodgate Trap Hole
2 copies
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
3 copies
Torrential Tribute
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Ice Dragon's Prison
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Dimensional Barrier
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare
2 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Traptrix Rafflesia
Traptrix Allomerus
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Time Thief Redoer
Knightmare Cerberus
Gallant Granite
Knightmare Unicorn
Accesscode Talker
Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
Predaplant Verte Anaconda
Link Spider
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir

Engine Section

When playing an engine it means the extra cards you will bring in your deck will heavily contribute to your victory, there are multiple of them but we will talk about three of them. A deck list will be given with each one of them and all of them are competitive and can be played at the current highest tier of the ladder, Diamond.


Artifact is probably the easiest way to play Traptrix, the engine is quite expensive but if you plan on trying to reach the highest rank in Ranked and be as competitive as possible with Traptrix, this is the engine you should invest into. But first, here is the deck list :

40 cards
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
2 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
2 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Vesiculo
Artifact Scythe
Artifact Lancea
3 copies
Pot of Prosperity
2 copies
Floodgate Trap Hole
2 copies
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
3 copies
Artifact Sanctum
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Torrential Tribute
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Heavy Storm Duster
Trap Trick
Imperial Order
3 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Traptrix Rafflesia
Traptrix Allomerus
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Time Thief Redoer
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir
Number 82: Heartlandraco
Knightmare Cerberus
Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Unicorn
Borrelsword Dragon
Artifact Dagda

Artifact Sanctum

Artifact Sanctum

The heart of the engine, it will Summon any Artifact monster from the deck and it will trigger their effect on the Summon of them. If this card is destroyed, you can target one card on the field and destroy it. Just like the effect of True Draco Traps when they are sent to the GY, Loading... cannot negate this effect. It can be activated whenever you want as it does not require your opponent to have anything to meet the requirements of activation so you can play around Spell/Trap disruption pretty well. Playing three of them is highly recommended. Finally, just like Loading... you will lose your Battle Phase if used during your turn so think twice before making this decision. You want to play at minimum 2 copies to be able to use it via the effect of Loading... . An important detail is once you Summon Loading... using Loading... , since its effect is mandatory, it will always be Chain Link 1 and Loading... can be activated at Chain Link 2. This is not a problem but it is preferable to not Summon Loading... because her effect will miss the timing.

The Artifact Monsters

Artifact Scythe
Artifact Lancea
Artifact Moralltach

All of them have an effect that allows them to be put face down in the Spell/Trap zone and they will Summon themselves if destroyed by any means.

Loading... can interact with any of the Artifact monsters with her effect to return a Spell/Trap to the hand or set a new one on the field.

Loading... can also be played because it can destroy set Artifact Monsters by destroying them via its effect which makes him a good addition and another way to trigger your Artifact Monsters if you draw them. Loading... serves the same purpose and can destroy an opponent Spell/Trap as well while being a Trap that will trigger Loading... .

First is Loading... , the most powerful of them all. When Summoned, your opponent will not be able to use his Extra Deck this turn. It will win you games, and pretty easily as you just have to activate Loading... and wait your opponent to end their turn on the spot. You can play just one copy and no other Artifact monster as you do not need more to win against an important amount of deck. You can play more if you wish. It is mandatory to play this card when using this engine as it is Loading... main target.

Loading... does not have an effect on Summon. However, once on the field or in your hand, you can tribute it to make neither player able to banish cards. A powerful effect that will block or slow down certain archetypes like Tri-Brigade or Adamancipator. Not a must-have but recommended. Even in games where you will not use its effect you can still trigger Loading... 's effect thanks to Loading... as it is your main way of Summoning him.

Loading... will destroy one face-up card when Summoned. Pretty basic but still a strong effect. It is always nice to have another option outside of Loading... that will disrupt almost any deck as well.

They are other Artifact monsters but these three are the best targets. You can always try other Artifact monsters but always have one copy of Loading... and try to have one to three extra Artifact monsters in your deck, but again, just one copy of Loading... can be enough. If using this engine, playing Loading... is almost mandatory and Loading... is recommended as you can destroy your Artifact set in the Spell/Trap zone to activate them.

Artifact Dagda

Artifact Dagda

You should play one copy of Loading... especially if you have two or more Artifact monsters in your deck. The first effect allows you to put in the Spell/Trap zone an Artifact monster. It will be destroyed during your opponent's End Phase so you want to have a Loading... to Summon and activate their effect. You can also use Loading... to return them to your hand to change their position to confuse your opponent.

You can also keep them in your hand and activate Loading... to swap an Artifact monster with another Trap when your opponent activates Loading... to not only protect a Spell/Trap, but also activate an Artifact monster effect and activating Loading... 's second effect.

The second effect is more handy than you think. It will bring back any Artifact monster from your GY when Loading... is destroyed. It can also intimidate your opponent into not using effects like Loading... in case a Loading... is in your GY. Giving some kind of protection. However, the main point of this card is when it is combined with Loading... or Loading... . When your opponent Summons a monster, you can activate Loading... or immediately use Loading... to destroy itself and Loading... and bring back any Artifact from the GY, mainly Loading... to once again lock them out of their Extra Deck.

Spicy Combo / Scythe Lock

A "Scythe Lock" refers to a combo that will trigger the effect of Loading... during the opponent's turn. It is a strong combo as locking the use of the Extra Deck for the turn can be devastating for the opponent. It is possible to do it in Traptrix without using Loading... .

It is a two card combo which only requires Loading... in your main deck, Loading... , Loading... and Loading... . Like in the Extra Combo section, this line of play is very dangerous as you cannot play through hand Traps, mainly Loading... , the most dangerous. On the other hand, your end board will be Loading... , Loading... and Loading... with Loading... set in your Spell/Trap zone and any Traps you may have drawn in your starting hand. To pull off the combo, you will need Loading... and either Loading... or Loading... in hand. You can also replace both Loading... and Loading... with Loading... which will still be able to perform a Scythe Lock if you want a slightly cheaper option.

First, you Summon Loading... and you search for Loading... . You then follow the Parallel eXceed + Any Traptrix or The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine + Any Traptrix combo but instead of Summoning Loading... or Loading... , you will Summon Loading... . Then, you can activate Loading... 's effect to Summon Loading... from the GY, it will trigger Loading... 's effect to set a "Hole" Trap on the field. You can then use Loading... and Loading... to Summon Loading... . This is where the line for Loading... and Loading... diverges.

If you want to use the Loading... line : You need to use Loading... ’s effect to return the Trap you set with Loading... to your hand, you can set it back on the field. This will activate Loading... 's effect to set an Artifact monster on the field. You can then Special Summon Loading... using her effect thanks to the Trap set by Loading... 's effect or any other Trap in your hand depending on which one you want to keep. You can then Summon Loading... using both Traptrix monsters on the field and destroy the set Loading... at the beginning of the opponent's turn thanks to Loading... 's effect.

If you want to use the Loading... line : You can Special Summon Loading... using her effect thanks to the Trap set by Loading... 's effect or any other Trap in your hand depending on which one you want to keep. You can then Summon Loading... using both Traptrix monsters on the field and use its effect to Summon Loading... . During the opponent's turn, you will be able to activate Loading... whenever you want, you can chain Loading... effect. Having both activated in the same chain is possible because Loading... does not target. This detail is important because, unlike Loading... , Loading... will be set on the field and destroyed during the chain which prevents certain disruption to this combo like Loading... . You can also destroy one card your opponent controls or your own Loading... that will Summon himself back during the next Standby Phase. He is also a formidable boss monster that can single-handedly win you games so going for this line of play is a lot better than Loading... .

Once again,

is the player that came up with this combo, so shout out to him for making this discovery.

H.A.T. (Hands Artifact Traptrix)

Fire Hand
Ice Hand
Thunder Hand

It is another variant of Traptrix that also uses the Artifact Engine. It is the same principle as the deck list above but as the name suggests there is a "Hand" part. It is referencing Loading... and Loading... . They are both level four so they can be used for an Xyz Rank 4 if needed. The main purpose is having them on the board and switching between one another and triggering their effect to destroy a Spell/Trap or a monster on your opponent's field. A recent addition is Loading... , which will Summon itself when any of your hands are destroyed and destroy a card on the field. It is a nice extender to have but not mandatory. It is a slow strategy in an already slow deck. Not nearly as competitive as Traptrix and Artifact alone but still a decent option and it is a lot of fun to play. If you play H.A.T., you will need three copies of both hands and 1 to 2 copies of Loading... .


Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted
Dogmatika Maximus
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon
Elder Entity N'tss
Nadir Servant
Dogmatika Punishment

The Dogmatika engine is an interesting choice for Traptrix decks, as it helps the deck out when going second, which will happen a lot in the current meta if you lose the coin flip.

Nadir Servant

Nadir Servant

You should always do your standard play before activating this card as you will not be able to use your Extra Deck afterwards. When going first, you should always search for Loading... and send Loading... to the GY. Then you can use your Loading... effect to search for Loading... . In your End Phase, the effect of Loading... will allow you to search for another "Dogmatika" monster, like Loading... for extra disruption during the opponent's turn. When going second, if you are done using your Extra Deck, you can search for Loading... to help you finish the game. You can also choose to send Loading... instead of Loading... to destroy a card on the field.

Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous

Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous

If you go first, you should do all your standard Traptrix play before using Loading... . She can be Special Summoned on your turn if there is an Extra Deck monster on the field. Once Summoned on the field, you can activate her effect to search for a "Dogmatika" card, mainly Loading... . You can also Normal Summon her to search for a "Dogmatika" card if this is your only play. After this effect to search a card is activated, you cannot use your Extra Deck until the end of your turn. If you go second, the same things said for going first can apply as well. Alternatively, you can still Special Summon her and not use her search effect to use her for a Xyz Rank 4 and continue to use your Extra Deck. You can also search for Loading... if you need his 2500 ATK to finish the game.

Dogmatika Punishment

Dogmatika Punishment

Loading... is a Trap that allows you to destroy one monster by sending an Extra Deck monster with more attack than the target monster to the GY. You can combine this with Loading... if one of the monsters you want to destroy is 2500 ATK or less, letting you destroy one monster and any one card with N’tss’ effect. You cannot use the Extra Deck until the end of your next turn, so you will want to save this Trap until you really need it.

Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted

Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted

You will want to search for Loading... with your Loading... if you already have Loading... in hand. This will give you more damage on board, and the damage increase is permanent, and protect your Loading... from being destroyed by battle. Loading... can also be held to be Summoned on your opponent's turn in order to serve as a negate. Traptrix decks generally do not have many negates, so it can be very valuable. Regardless, Loading... should always take priority over Loading... , unless you need his 2500 ATK to finish a game or already have Loading... in hand, as only one can be activated per turn.

Dogmatika Maximus

Dogmatika Maximus

Loading... is not recommended as this engine will not bring you much after the first turn. However, he can be great at breaking boards, as he is very easy to Summon out by having an Extra Deck monster in the GY. His effect allows you to send two Extra Deck monsters to the GY during your Main Phase. This lets you send to the GY either Loading... or Loading... , which will either destroy one card on the field or allow you to search for a “Dogmatika” monster. Note, you cannot use the Extra Deck for the remainder of the turn when you use his effect.

Deck List Example

Here is an example of a deck list you can use. This deck list was made by

. He reached the highest rank possible in ranked with this engine. Artifact cards are used as well to help out, you can check the section above if you need more information about the Artifact cards.

40 cards
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
3 copies
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
2 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Artifact Scythe
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
Nadir Servant
Double or Nothing!
2 copies
Artifact Sanctum
Bottomless Trap Hole
2 copies
Dogmatika Punishment
Floodgate Trap Hole
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Torrential Tribute
3 copies
Trap Trick
Imperial Order
2 copies
Elder Entity N'tss
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon
Number 39: Utopia
Number 39: Utopia Double
Traptrix Allomerus
Number 82: Heartlandraco
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Link Spider
2 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Knightmare Unicorn

Treacherous Trap Hole Looping

This is a variant of Traptrix popularized in Master Duel by the japanese player デュエルアカデミア数学科. Treacherous Trap Hole Looping (TTH Loop for short) is a variation of Dogmatika Traptrix which utilizes less Traps to facilitate the usage of Loading... .

• So what are the cards we use to make Loading... loops work?

First of all, having a Loading... is very important. As such, using cards as Loading... , Loading... , Loading... and Loading... is key to having the card on the field.

• How do we empty the GY of Traps so that we can use Loading... ?

There are multiple cards to help us achieve that goal. Among the Traptrix cards, Loading... and Loading... can help us bring back a Trap Hole from the GY to the field or not let them leave the field in the first place.

With the Dogmatika engine, we can use both Loading... and Loading... to send Loading... and/or Loading... to the GY. Loading... can search and send Loading... to the GY to banish 3 cards from either GY while Loading... can return itself and another card from your GY to your deck.

Loading... is another card that can help us by stopping the Trap cards from being sent to the GY in the first place while stopping plays from your opponent.

Here is the latest decklist example from デュエルアカデミア数学科 :

40 cards
3 copies
Maxx "C"
3 copies
Dimension Shifter
3 copies
Dogmatika Ecclesia, the Virtuous
3 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Dogmatika Maximus
Dogmatika Fleurdelis, the Knighted
Nadir Servant
3 copies
Pot of Prosperity
Naelshaddoll Ariel
Alpha, the Master of Beasts
Dogmatika Punishment
2 copies
Treacherous Trap Hole
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
2 copies
Dimensional Barrier
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Lost Wind
3 copies
Lord of the Heavenly Prison
2 copies
PSY-Framegear Gamma
PSY-Frame Driver
Harpie's Feather Duster
Paleozoic Dinomischus
Elder Entity N'tss
El Shaddoll Apkallone
Titaniklad the Ash Dragon
PSY-Framelord Omega
Ruddy Rose Dragon
Gallant Granite
Traptrix Allomerus
Zoodiac Drident
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
Zoodiac Boarbow
2 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Crossrose Dragon
Zoodiac Chakanine


This engine is harder to play than the others so it is not recommended if you are new to Traptrix. The Amazement engine has the best synergy with Traptrix thanks to Loading... synergy with Traps and Loading... . Furthermore, Amazement Traps can be activated without the need of any other cards, so they will not act as a "brick card" if in your hand.

When you have an Amazement Trap, you should set your toggle button on “ON”. Amazement Traps need to be equipped to activate their effect, having the toggle button on “ON” will allow you to use the effect just after the chain where you activated the Trap has resolved. Doing so will ensure you can resolve the effect successfully otherwise your opponent can use the targeted monster as link material making your Trap useless.

You will notice cards like Loading... and Loading... are not here. The reason why is because you want your normal Summon to be a Traptrix monster all the time, so unfortunately we cannot play those cards. There are other Amazement Traps that are not covered in the guide too, they are a bit too slow or they do not impact the board enough to justify adding them.

Amazement Administrator Arlekino

Amazement Administrator Arlekino

You can Summon Loading... when any Trap is activated, unlike Loading... . Even if both effects activate at the same timing, Master Duel will make Loading... trigger first then Loading... will activate after as it follows OCG Ruling. You will not be able to chain block Loading... effect as your opponent will be allowed to answer both effects. Since Loading... can activate after any Traps, if you use Loading... or Loading... from your hand, you will be able to Summon him. This synergy is deadly if you have Loading... and Loading... in hand while going second because your opponent will not expect an Loading... during their first turn.

He is a 2600 ATK monster, so his high attack will always be welcome. Once per turn, when a monster is normal or Special Summon, you can equip an Amazement Trap card to this monster from your deck. Amazement Traps have an effect depending on what it is equipped with, you can see this effect like activating a Trap directly from the deck just like Loading... . Be careful, his effect to equip a Trap does not count as activating a Trap, so Loading... will not be able to activate her effect. If they are Amazement Traps in your GY while Loading... is on the field, you can banish any number of Amazement Traps to destroy the same number of cards your opponent controls.

Amazing Time Ticket

Amazing Time Ticket

Your first option if you want to play a searcher. If it is during your turn, you can add Loading... to your hand or any Amazement Trap. Otherwise, it will set an Amazement Trap on the board and you will be able to activate it this turn, just like Loading... but without the restriction. It is a Spell so it does not synergies as well because you cannot banish it to destroy cards on the field using Loading... effect and neither Loading... or Loading... will trigger when using the effect. But since it is a Spell you can have the luxury of activating it the turn you draw it instead of waiting a turn. The versatility of the card makes up for its drawback.

Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster

Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster

All Amazement Traps have two different effects depending on who is your target. You can only target the opponent monsters or Loading... . If you target an opponent monster, you can add Loading... to your hand. Ideally, you want this Trap to be the first one you activate, as you will need to activate another Trap to Summon Loading... . When equipped with an Amazement monster, you can send a Spell/Trap your opponent controls to the GY. This Trap will not destroy so you can deal with Spell/Traps that are immune to destruction or avoid effects that trigger on destruction, like Unchained Spell/Traps. After both effects, this card will be sent to the GY. The scenario where you can use the Spell/Trap removal rarely comes up so running more than 1 copy is not recommended, however it can help you get your Loading... in hand, acting like an extra copy that can trigger Loading... . An important aspect of the card is you need to have successfully equipped it to use its effect, so you will be able to use the effect of the Trap in the next chain. This means that you cannot use the effect if it is currently facedown and about to be destroyed.

Amaze Attraction Horror House

Amaze Attraction Horror House

When Loading... is used on an opponent monster, it will act like a Loading... . The opponent will be able to flip his monster face up if he was not Summoned this turn or he can wait a turn to flip it back up. It will not work on Link monsters as they cannot be put into defense position. Once used on an opponent monster the card will destroy itself as a face-down monster cannot be equipped with cards. If equipped to an Amazement monster you control, you can negate the effect of one monster your opponent controls. If it is equipped to your monster, as long as the targeted monster is on your field, you will be able to use this effect once per turn as the card will not be sent to the GY. Just like the other Amazement Traps, you need to have successfully equipped it to use its effect so do not wait for your opponent Spell/Trap removal to activate it.

Amaze Attraction Viking Vortex

Amaze Attraction Viking Vortex

It is not recommended to play this card. The effect is not bad, especially when it is equipped via the effect of Loading... but it requires action from your opponent. Unlike Loading... , if you draw it the card will not do enough. You should also note that the effect still goes through and the card does not work if you activate it in response to an on Summon effect as it needs to be equipped to use it. The card is too situational and only interesting if you equip it via Loading... effect.

Deck List Example

Here is an example of a Traptrix Amazement deck you can use.

41 cards
3 copies
Dimension Shifter
2 copies
Traptrix Dionaea
3 copies
Traptrix Mantis
3 copies
Traptrix Myrmeleo
Traptrix Vesiculo
3 copies
Parallel eXceed
3 copies
Amazement Administrator Arlekino
3 copies
Pot of Prosperity
Double or Nothing!
Floodgate Trap Hole
3 copies
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine
2 copies
Infinite Impermanence
2 copies
Gravedigger's Trap Hole
3 copies
Amaze Attraction Horror House
Amaze Attraction Cyclo-Coaster
3 copies
Torrential Tribute
3 copies
Solemn Strike
Imperial Order
Number 39: Utopia
Number 39: Utopia Double
Traptrix Allomerus
Traptrix Rafflesia
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder
2 copies
Traptrix Sera
Traptrix Cularia
Knightmare Phoenix
Knightmare Unicorn
Accesscode Talker
Time Thief Redoer
Number 82: Heartlandraco
Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir

Future Tech Cards

Water Enchantress of the Temple
Rite of Aramesir
Fateful Adventure
Wandering Gryphon Rider
Dracoback, the Rideable Dragon

The Adventure engine is a very powerful option we can add to our arsenal. It can give extra disruption by sacrificing the normal Summon effect of a Traptrix monster. Loading... can banish itself from your hand or GY to add Loading... to your hand. Loading... can also Special Summon itself on the field if you control an Adventurer Token giving you an extra monster for potential Link Summon. Loading... will Summon an Adventurer Token if you do not have one already and place Loading... on the field. This effect cannot be stopped by Loading... . Once you have Loading... you can add Loading... to your hand but you will have to send one card from your hand to the GY. Finally, Loading... can Special Summon itself when you control an Adventurer Token and he will negate any card or effect activated by the opponent by shuffling itself into the deck, the negated card will be destroyed too. Additionally, you can choose to play Loading... which can be added to your hand or directly equipped to your Adventurer Token via the effect of Loading... when you Summon a monster while it is face up. When equipped to an Adventurer Token, you can target a card your opponent controls and return it to their hand. It can deal with cards Traptrix has a hard time taking care of like Loading... or other powerful floodgates. Overall the advantage this engine provides outweighs its drawbacks that are almost negligible, it will provide Traptrix with tools we usually do not have.

Final Words

This is the end of this guide. Thank you for taking the time to read if you made it this far. Just know that even if the guide covers a large amount of strategy involving Traptrix, they are others that we did not cover. There is no best way to play Traptrix so any strategy can find success if you put the time into experimenting. Remember that the most important thing is to have fun. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments or on our dedicated channel on MDM discord. You should also check out our discord channel for events we organize within our community and experienced players streaming Traptrix gameplay.

Shout out to the TrapTRIX channel in discord, most notably Inasyn,

, AAADX98 for their contribution.

Special Thanks to Totojag and

for testing the interaction in Master Duel.

This guide was made possible thanks to a group effort, the moderators like

and for this platform.