
  • Introduction
  • Core Cards
  • Combos
  • Common Techs and Staples
  • Engines and Packages
  • Pros/Cons of the Deck
  • Example Deck List(s)
  • In Memoriam (Crystron Halqifibrax)


Special Thanks

HUGE special thanks to

and whose contributions to this community in the Vampire and Zombie World channels, as well as this guide have been of significant impact and guidance. Their knowledge and insight is an inspiration to us all.

About the Author(s)

and are individuals who really like talking (at length) about Zombies, especially Vampires. These long time Duel Meta Corp. community members have finally teamed up to create the informational Super-Duo you'll learn to love. They hope you’ll find value in this collection of resources that have been organized for the community. They’re open to feedback, new information, collaboration, and always happy to just chat so feel free to reach out in the MDM discord channels!

State of the Deck

The Zombie World deck type is a versatile deck type specializing in controlling game play through manipulation and exploitation of the graveyard.. This deck prefers to go first in the coin toss, as it requires an established board to function optimally, and is very vulnerable to disruption. While not an outright meta contender, this deck has seen consistent Rogue-tier representation throughout Yu-Gi-Oh history. While Master Duel is still behind on some of the latest Zombie support recently released to the TCG this deck can still yield formidable boards in a myriad of ways for both ladder and tournament play.

What is Zombie World

Zombie World is a deck type that generally focuses on accessing important combo pieces via milling to set up a board that, at minimum, consists of the field spell Loading... and the main deck monster Loading... . “Zombie World” is the central card of this deck. “Zombie World” makes all monsters on the field, and in the graveyards zombie type monsters, and restricts tribute summoning to Zombie types only. Zombie world is a “floodgate” style card as its effect supports the controlling player's monster type, but can severely limit your opponent and lock them out of making their own plays. This in turn adds synergy to the way we can extend our plays, whether by resummoning monsters via Loading... ’s graveyard effect, allowing normally non-zombie monsters to be used to link summon into monsters requiring zombies, and most importantly, allowing our boss monster “Doomking Balerdroch” to have additional ways to trigger its effects, turning what would otherwise be a 2800 attack beater into a threatening presence with the ability to negate monster effects and remove monsters via non-targeting banishes. As such we want this card on the board as soon as possible and we will want to protect it, as our opponents will surely work to remove it as fast as possible.

The beauty of the deck is in the various ways it can be built and piloted. The deck can function as either a control or combo oriented deck, and in some ways can be piloted as both. There are multiple variants and engines that can help the deck adapt to the meta and serve as a force to be reckoned with. The deck is not without its flaws, having multiple points of disruption via common hand traps, and most variants struggle to go second. Despite this, the deck rewards those who are willing to experiment, both in deck building and in combo routes, as you will often find yourself in situations where unconventional combo lines can lead to victory. It also helps that “Zombie World” as a card, while seemingly passive on the surface, can also help shutdown certain strategies by its very nature of changing monsters into zombie types, making strategies reliant on specific types struggle.

The basic core zombie world core effectively comes in 1 box. To be more specific the Secret Pack :Abyssal Underworld contains most of the core cards you will need to pilot this deck. This makes it a fantastic value for gems, and crafting material, as you can effectively craft 1 card and pull the rest from the unlocked secret pack!

Core Cards

Main Deck

Uni-Zombie (3x)