Tier List

Recent Forbidden/Limited list summary

The latest release was "Heroic Warriors", released on January 10th, 2023.

  • Power Rankings
  • Popularity Rankings
This is automatically updated using Tournament Topping Decks from ALL Community Tournaments.
Tier 1
The most successful Tournament Topping Decks, with power levels of at least 12.
Power: 18.7
Power: 13.2

Tier 2
Decks with power levels between 7 and 12.
Power: 9.4

Tier 3
Decks with power levels between 3 and 7.
Power: 5.4
Power: 4.3
Power: 3.9
Power: 3.4
Power: 3.2

* The power rankings are computed based on the number of decks each deck-type plays in the latest 100 topping Community tournament decklists.

Master 1 Only
Popularity rankings are calculated based on the percentage of representation of a deck-type in the last 2 weeks worth of decks (excluding the custom format game events).