
Anti-Spell Festival from on November 17th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Lets be real, guys. We all knew going in that Adamancipators were going to be utterly insane for this event and to absolutely nobody's surprise, Diamond 1 is infested with nearly-identical 40 card Buster lock Adamancipator clones.

The real MVP here is the triple Evenly Matched -- if your opponent does not put together a turn 1 end board with a spell/trap negate, Evenly wins you the game almost immediately. Dinowrestler Pankratops can clear out whatever's left. There's almost no way your opponent is going to stop the Adamancipator summon train that will inevitably follow after your Evenly resolves, let alone break your five-negate board afterwards.

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