
Anti-Spell Festival from on November 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Fowl was an MVP in this event. Its ability to discard or send a Salad from the field , and "disable" a trap for the turn, or force the opponent to activate it earleir than expected, was great. Main discards are Spinny and Falco.

I normally don't love Lady Debug but she works as a knockoff Salamangreat Circle.

No Jaguar because I normally use it in conjunction with Salamangreat Sanctuary plays.

Exceed is easy Bagooska fodder turn one, and super versatile for later turns.

Nibiru is a personal favorite, but you could reduce it and add in more traps if you prefer.

2x of Trans and Accesscode because I like backup copies in case they get banished or whatever.

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