Swordsoul Tenyi

Anti-Spell Festival from on November 17th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is intended to play the grind game against good decks and OTK with strong hands. I think this strikes a decent balance between fighting backrow heavy decks and monster heavy decks.

Replaceable cards:

  • 3x Gamma Engine --> Omega is Maxx C counter. You're likely getting Maxx C on Ecclesia/Tenyi plays which means Gamma is activatable
  • 2x Pankratops --> Best general removal, backrow removal, etc.
  • 2x Evenly Matched --> This is stronger Nibiru but it doesn't interrupt your opponents play so yeah
  • 1x Effect Veiler --> Monster decks are strongest for this format, boards are harder to break, run more Veiler to prevent unbreakable boards
  • 1x Yazi --> Rarely useful/gets summoned
  • 1x Omega --> Win harder card/can dodge Nibiru :) Replacements:
  • 3x Maxx C --> I really don't believe this card is that consistently strong in a sporadically control heavy meta.
  • 3x Archfiend Eccentrick ~= Food Lion Brand Pankratops
  • 2x Nibiru --> If you keep running into Swordsoul/Adam/Pendulum
  • 3x Monk --> Cheap filler
  • 3x Chixiao --> Really drawn out duels

Replays: Player ID - 769-614-772

  • vs . DreamR (Pendulum Magician)
    • This shows the power of Longyun + Swordsoul monster + 1 Wyrm/Swordsoul
    • Search for blackout, I had it, so I went for Taia.
  • vs. Raven (8-axis going second OTK deck)
    • This is a PSA to summon Baronne instead of Chengying, even if you have a royal copy
    • You know the opponent has a full going second deck, so just wait it out until you have your combo
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