
Diamond I from on August 3rd, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 660
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Flunder list that's playing a million two-offs because I'm bad at deck building (and because it's BO1 so I want to prepare to both go first and second)

If you're looking to build and don't have Dimension Shifter, use your Maxx "C". Dimensional Fissure is not a good substitute.

If you're on a budget and didn't know, you can just ignore the extra deck. The XYZ line for Zeus is the most useful so play it if you have the CP, but even then it barely ever comes up. The Tri-Brigade cards, N'tss, and Omega are there top send off of your opponent's Dogmatika Maximus. The rest are just good cards I play just in case.

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