8-Axis Blind Second

Diamond I from on December 30th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

My final list I used to get to diamond 1 with. Always blind second and the general strategy is to either otk with draglubion + numeron dragon, or break opponents board and set up 4 material zeus.

Key Notes:

  • zero handtraps. This build is running 7 draw power cards in a 40 card list so if you run any hand traps you are very likely to draw them turn 2 and they will brick your hand. No ash and called by means you will have to either pass your turn or go all in on the otk if you get maxx c'ed.

  • 3x Denko Sekka. Mandatory 3 of in my opinion. This card is disgustingly good currently as it is a literal instant win vs any backrow deck(labrynth and dinomorphia namely). It is also quite strong vs branded, floo, sword soul and sometimes runick(depending on their list).

  • Most cuttable cards are: danger thunderbird - not a bad card but this list runs a decent amount of backrow removal already; Superpoly - near instant win card if you can resolve it but it is almost a complete brick vs sword soul, floo and runick; number 68 sanaphond - only really summoned this vs DPE which wasn't very common; number 23 lancelot - incredible vs dinomorphia but that's about it; cipher package: cut it only if you really need the extra deck space imo.


Watch some diamond ranked replays

Player Id: 457-467-430

  • Replay 1: vs adamancipator full combo end board

  • Replay 2: vs branded despia

  • Replay 3: vs pure runick

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