
Diamond I from on December 9th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Updated my agents control deck. Replaced fallen sanctuary with imperms. It works better when resolving maxx c. Added another masterflare because it can act as an extender and helps when the other one gets banished. Trias is really good on dogding targeting effect and extending plays. Deck has 9 starters (3 sacred water, 3 earth, 3 diviner), 8 extenders (3 trias, 3 loagaeth, 2 masterflare), 12 handtraps )3 maxxc, 3 ash, 3 orange, 3 imperm).

With that in mind, going 2nd is still strong but a 1st turn kristya lock will mess up your oppo most of the time.

Sometimes you may brick, and pot of p really helps there. Borrelsword, star eater, lyna, and vermillion is another option to extend your plays, not really needed. Unicorn and Accescode does the job better to reach lethal damage.

Note that I reached diamond 1 on the day runick was released (8 Dec), so if the meta changes in the upcoming month probably will need to adjust the handtraps. My first replay is against runick, it was my winning duel to Diamond 1.

Another note that runick can ss fairy to EMZ which can be a good extender in our plays. Will try to check how runick can synergize with this deck, so if any of you has some ideas it would be nice to share.


Checkout my replays!

Replay 1 against Runick

Replay 2 against PK adventure

Replays 3 against Numeron

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