
Diamond I from on December 29th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 570
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Mythical Beast Endymion with a questionable Extra Deck


  • Upstart, Chicken Game, Terra, and Mastery all go in the max copies allowed in every Endy deck.
  • Endy, Servant, Cerberus, Big Jackal, Inst, are all 3 ofs in MB version pretty inarguably.
  • Don't play Bestiary or Citadel
  • See a lot of people playing magister at 1-2. I think in MB he should be a 3 of. The high scale is valuable when you need to put a MB in the other zone in a pinch, and his on field effect is very useful.
  • Reflection at 2 was suspect. Honestly, it could be one. The only issue was that was desires maybe hitting both.
  • Desires is the ultimate love/hate card for Endymion. You'd really rather not hit any of your Mighty Masters or big Jackals or *** forbid Astrograph, but draw 2 + counter goes bonkers. Could be cut to 2 but not one.
  • Instant Fusion is worth running.
  • 1 allure lol?


  • Electrumite, Beyond, Accescode, 2x Selene all standard for a reason. Those are the core.
  • Odd-Eyes Package is p much mandatory. Too good to pass up.
  • Goddess was my girl. Totally owns towers going second, would not cut.
  • Diabolos is worse than odd-eyes 98% of the time. Good for a different meta with a key ED one-of to snipe, not this one.
  • 1 Starving Venom plenty, strong but rarely used.
  • Cross sheep goes crazy with millenium eyes but only then. Cuttable
  • Everything else highly flexible. Dharc rarely came up. Unicorn/App never did, I'd cut them for an expanded IF package with Winda and Pasticiel.
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