
Diamond I from on December 8th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 420
42 cards

Notes & Combos

If you want to get D1 but dont want to play a meta deck, @imposter is a very underrated antimeta rogue strategy. The Amogus Cyberse @igmposter being a 5k towers is almost an FTK vs Despia. Heatsoul control makes for a great backup strat. Of course, for going second, you have great space for handtraps and tech cards, as well as the Cyberse classic of double attacking Accesscode, and go figure you can also make him a towers as well. Did I mention this archetype has a draw 3.

Quick note on triple tac. I play it over crossout as while crossout counters maxx c, triple tac is more versitile overall. I won a lot of games off of getting handtrapped, then triple tac rip their only starter, and getting handed a free OTK turn 3. The change of heart effect also will steal games. Draw 2 is there if you need to try to unbrick yourself, but it's probably my least used choice.

You can play 2nd Accesscode over security dragon for safer OTK lines if you want, but I don't have a spare copy so can't say I've tried that myself.

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