
Diamond I from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 780
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Mommy is here and she is top tier! Why is she top tier? Cause the only combo you need is set 5 and pass.

Oh you wanted more of a explanation ok then...well the idea of the deck is bringing out lovely labrynth with the trap welcome labrynth while having the field spell. This is important cause the field spell will pop any card on the field and if you just so happen to pop a monster; lovely will either pop a card in your opponent's hand at random or a card on the field of your choice. Now this effect can be done with a normal trap too. Compulsory is cheap to craft and ghastly glitch not only destroy a card on the field but can send a fiend monster to the gy. Most of the time you will send back jack so you can look at the top 3 cards of your deck and choose the order and then use back jack again to excavate a card. If it's a trap you set it.

Now for the tech cards: eradicator is not only useful for any deck that spams with spell(looking at you runick) but also great for the mirror match. The extra deck could be anything really just make sure you have a link 1 and cards for your dogmatika trap. Dimensional barrier(imo) is a 3 of. Helps against runick,swordsoul, numeron, pendulums, and branded decks. However don't take my list as the only way to play. There is a variety of other techs like imperial wall or soul of the supreme king . Overall I love this deck for it's unique take on using normal traps as a strategy and will definitely return when the rest of the support arrives.

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