
Diamond I from on December 26th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 690
46 cards

Notes & Combos

Checkout my replays! Player id: 956-924-612


This was my goal for this game... to max rank every season with the archetype I love so much... Mayakashi - Vampires - and possibly any zombies tbh. And also providing a successful list here in MD meta of Mayakashi archetype.

I usually like to get max rank asap. I got to diamond 2 right before the release of the new cards (Runick and Labyrinth), but couldn't get to max rank and had to do it facing these new cards... the new meta, Runick, has a HUUUUUGE advantage vs this Zombie filled deck. They flip TCBOO, and the duel is as good as forfeited T__T. But even with it is flipped there is still hope by using Eldlich and send all their TCBOO to gy. The key vs them is patience (sad). If they go first, do nothing until you draw an Eldlich and start getting rid of their floodgates/field spell... not even setting a card/monster, field has to be clean for them to not do much. We have an easy time surviving any floodgate that isnt Macro Cosmo nor TCBOO.

Aside from Runick, Labyrinth has fairly a huge edge vs us if they manage to get controlling the board... otherwise they don't do much.

Now... Adamancipator is back to meta. I added more droplets for them sigh

A lot players has been asking if the new Zombie support to be added in this deck... in my personal opinion is a NO, to all of them. This deck already have high brick chance... and the new Zombie pack stuff clashes with Mayakashi lock.

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