
Diamond I from on December 18th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 810
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Your strategy is either mill your opponent to death or Majesty's Fiend beatdown if you have all your floodgates. Against non-Runick opponents, don't worry about mill speed because with floodgates, you WILL deckout your opponent (so don't prioritize Droplet and Allure). In the mirror match, your floodgates are all useless (assuming Pure variant), so it's a race of who can mill each other first. This is why you run Allure because it suddenly becomes the best card in your deck.

Here's some tips:

  • Hugin's protection effect DOES WORK under Majesty's Fiend. This is because it is not an activated effect but a continuous effect.
  • Try not to overextend with your Fountain draws. If you have no Runick spells in hand when you try to draw and get Ash'd, you lose your follow-up.
  • Always try to enter Battle Phase. This means you get to eventually attack with Majesty's Fiend if you run out of Runick spells in hand.
  • Remember that you can't summon Majesty's Fiend on the same turn you summon Lava Golem.
  • When you're about to deck out your opponent, remember the number of banishes. You can't activate the spell if your banish count is more than your opponent's cards in deck.
  • Activate Dimensional Fissure before summoning your Runick monster. This baits out Maxx "C" so you can chain the summon.
  • You can chainblock Fountain's draw with your Runick monster trigger effects.

Aside from the Runick monsters, your extra deck doesn't matter too much.

Replays @ ID: 980-034-332

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