Thunder Dragon

Diamond I from on December 30th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

hi i am new to this first time sharing my diamond 1 decklist here this deck is very good in current meta due to the birds infestation in rank although its not all birds there are also eldlich and swordsoul also branded and marincess regarding branded marincess and floo i feel these 3 match ups usually the easier to beat because clossus is a huge floodgate for these decks even for swordsouls players can be annoying because they cant spam emergence i think i should speaks about combos in this part of the notes? i will try but i am bad at it so with branded i love sending snow to grave first for albion then use albion for lubellion snow has huge synergy with thunder dragons so having her always nice and labion can banish dark td for lubellion which trigger thunder dragons effects to further your combos vanillia thunder dragon can be used as a discard for lubellion effects you first use td effect gets 2 then discard one ofr lubellion now you probably wonder what am i suppose to do without branded fusion ? good question !!!! that where the rest cards comes to pla mainly aloof you usually wanna banish roar with aloof use roar effect to get dark use aloof and dark for anaconda use dark to get o your hand what you need to summon clossus before using vertes effect for example hawk or td fusion td fusion better if you can use it because it has grave effect anyway if you somehow still here and wanna see some thunder dragon plays my iD is 833 - 323- 192

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