
Diamond I from on January 12th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This version climbed from D5-D1, first half was pre-heroic challengers, second post.

For main deck, I'd very much like to incorporate imperm into the next version, possibly in place of Ash. The losses I have consistently are going second to combo, and ash just doesn't do enough. If I had imperm on my turn MAYBE I could play through some things, and it has added utility with the Dinomorph(DM) stuff.

I've seen people cut a diplo and dig for more space, but I do find myself using most of my main deck DMs. Something other people could consider.

EEV + Trap trick at three is a runnick meta call. if those weren't every third game, I'd cut both to two and add torrential tribute back I think. This deck can struggle with match ups that have lots of zero attack monsters, and TT can at least explode and hope to buy me a turn.

I'd also like to work another brute and maybe alert in here so they can be searched with trap trick, but space is tight when trying to stay at 40. Everything else is pretty standard. Lord is great for a number of reasons, protects the back row, searches a card, and is an easy tribute for EEV.

For the ED: The 3-2-3 line is pretty standard, though if I cut ash I might just add another berg. It can be useful occasionally if you want to use a late game strike. Clear wing is filler, though it worked occasionally. Link package is mainly for Bagooska/the game plan fell apart and you're scrambling. Unicorn might ber better than 3-heart, just trying it out.

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