
Diamond I from on January 6th, 2023
cp-ur 540 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Assault Mode is best deck! Nobody needs Dia Note! Synchro early, and let Runick carry you after!

You can discard Beast with Hugin effect if you draw both bricks


Psi-Reflector + 2 Runick Spell

Ends on: Arc Light + Baronne + Fountain

  1. Summon Psi Reflector
  2. Activate effect, search Assault Beast
  3. Use Beast to search for Activate
  4. Activate Psi Reflector, reviving Beast after Increasing its level by 3 (to make it a 7)
  5. Summon Hugin and activate its effect by discarding Activate
  6. Synchro Hugin and Psi into Martial Metal Marcher and revive Psi Reflector
  7. Synchro Martial and Beast to make Baronne (5th Summon)
  8. Summon Munin (can search Allure if you want it to) and then Synchro Psi Reflector and Munin into Arc Light

2 ways to Psi + 2 Runick

Baronne + Arc Light + Fountain + Wind Pegasus in grave

Copy Steps 1-3

  1. Revive Beast, boosting it by 2 (to make it a level 6)

  2. Synchro with Psi Reflector with Beast, making Wind Pegasus

  3. Synchro Wind Pegasus with Martial for Baronne

  4. Summon the 2nd Psi reflector

  5. Summon Munin (can search Allure if you want it to) and then Synchro Psi Reflector and Munin into Arc Light

Psi (Negated) + 3 Runick

Baronne + Wind Pegasus in grave

  1. Psi Reflector, get negated

  2. Summon Hugin

  3. Synchro off for Martial Metal Marcher

  4. Summon Geri, Synchro it off with Martial for Wind Pegasus

  5. Summon Munin, Synchro off Munin with the Wind Pegasus (Made a tuner by Martial) for Baronne

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