Sky Striker

Diamond I from on January 13th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Going First Striker S13

Hello there, Sky striker is good again!

I created this list having consistency in mind, I rarely play cards that are matchup specific unless the meta allows it. I was having issues choosing my last 4 spots and finally ended up playing area 0, terra forming, mourner and nibiru. The reasoning: area 0 and terra just increase the starter count to 13 giving u 92% chance of seeing one, your plan first turn is having engage and abuse the extra kagari, ending your turn with a set widow and 2 engages in hand to end the game turn 3 also both can work as a linkage fodder worst case scenario. Having this plan in mind it is crucial for us to survive turn 2 vs all gas deck which d3-d1 divisions were full of in my climb, here is where nib and mourner come into play, their only job is helping us survive.

you don't really need called by or backrow removal, the only problematic matchup is runick, and you are not beating them in most games anyway, we take the lucky wins vs them and move on. Labrynth is not a problem since most of the traps target and raye can dodge for days, and hayate wins you the dinomorphia matchup. So yeah backrow removal not needed. Called by on the other hand is a good card, you can remove a0 and terra to play it, I never felt like I needed it.

And since I always get asked this.... YES DESIRES IS GOOD. ExtraDeck: nin and hiita are my flex spot you can play anything.

Player Id: 284-120-818

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