Sky Striker

Diamond I from on January 15th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Sky Striker blind 2nd. About draw power, take out pot of desire or add 1 more is depended on you, it gives you 2 cards but sometime banish you only Roze and pretty risk in Runick matchup. I personality don't enjoy Upstart goblin, give opponent 1000 LP sometime cost you lethal damage and many deck in meta now have ability to come back and Otk in one turn so use all the advantage for lethal is not a good idea. Also, I really like Lightning Storm, Impermanence appeared in almost every deck and most of deck in meta now have pretty annoying backrow and it save my games a lot.

ID: 496-556-982

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