
Diamond I from on January 14th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 660
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Subterror is really fun and is strong when you draw the right cards. However, it is hard to win going second using subterror and you would be very reliant on opening d shifter or nibiru

Otherwise you will need to have lord of the heavenly prison to bridge your turn Main reason is because guru control is a trap heavy deck.

In terms of disruptions, guru is the weakest against field removal such as destruction effects, send, and things that shut down back row

Ghost ogre, Sword soul black out Virtual world gate chuche Time pendulum graph Runick destruction Red reboot Psy frame gamma Harpie feather duster Lightning storm Aazeus Destiny hero phoenix enforcer Guardian chimera Raiza the mega monarch Evil twin Lila

Toughest matchups even if you go first Pendulum Admancipator Lyrilusc tribrigade

An important tip trying to win second is to hide your nibiru Toggle between on and off. Toggle off on the animation of activating cards, then Toggle on when effects are resolving to hide the timer. The key is to use nibiru when your opponent is ending their man phase.

When the meta game is diverse control deck become weaker

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