Swordsoul Tenyi

Diamond I from on January 24th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 300
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Fairly standard Swordsoul list I climbed to Diamond 1 with for Season 13, couple notes on ratio's and missing cards:

  • I bounce back and forth between 2 or 3 Ecclesia, since half the games you don't go first she's a strong going second summon, can easily eat / force a negate before you commit to your normal summon, or sometimes you can special summon ecclesia and normal summon Mo Ye or Taia and steal a free synchro summon there to start establishing a board state going 2nd.
  • I would love to play more copies of my board breakers, imperms, or even the Tenyi cards but there is just no room to keep it at 40 cards without losing consistency.
  • Dragite keeps Sky Striker, Runick, and backrow decks in check, constantly forcing them to have more than one out each time.
  • One copy of Monk, Yazi, Chaofang are all flex spots, triple monk doesn't come up often but when it does I'm glad I had it there. Yazi is rare but helps with establishing board presence going 2nd. Chaofang really only ever comes up if I want to stop mathmech main deck cards from going off, as well as Nibiru and Avramax.
  • Triple Tactics Talent is there since with Runicks running around pot of desires could be fatal but could def still be in over triple tactics.
  • Board breakers and Nibiru are kind of dead cards going first, can be removed to adjust Tenyi ratios and or add red reboot or other strong backrow cards (D. barrier, Strike / Judgement)
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