Adventure Prank-Kids

Diamond I from on July 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is an adaptation of Elijah Green's list that won YCS Charlotte. While the absolute majority of Prank-Kids players added the Magicians'Souls engine to dilute the bricks and add draw power by playing 50 and 60 cards, Elijah decided to stick to the essentials and keep his deck as consistent as possible by going down to 40 cards.

My choices:

-Elijah played 3 Nib and 3 Ogre in his main deck. I took out 2 Nib and 1 Ogre and included a play set of the most broken card in the game: Maxx C. Keeping a Nib to me seems appropriate for the Maxx C challenge. On the other hand, Ogre seems to me an exceptional card in the format we are currently going through (format somewhat similar to YCS Charlotte), it answers to Fateful Adventure and Floowandereeze and the Magnificent Map, not to mention that it is always strong against rogue and almost any strategy if you know the combos and where to stick it.

-In TCG Rite and Enchantress are at 3, so I filled the two spaces with 2 Called.

-I took the space of the second Anaconda that we can't play and added Rip-Roarin-Roaster. Since we don't play direct answers for backrow decks this will be one. Also this card is part of the little known triple board wipe combo, which is a good option if we open 2 kids with different names and don't plan to end up in DPE.

-One Butler for the second Cat.

I always prioritized finishing in Dog-Pranks over Anaconda DPE. Triple board wipe if opened with 2-3 kids and no Fusion Destiny.

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