Adventure Tenyi

Diamond I from on July 18th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 360
46 cards

Notes & Combos

Adventurer Rose Tenyi base +

Shooting Riser Dragon Package

Shooting Riser Dragon, Fairy Tail - Snow, and Token Collector. Main send is snow which hits hardest against Prank Kids but is effective against most decks. Token Collector is a secondary send and Crossout target that hits Adventurer, Swordsoul, and Halqdon decks. Tenyi Spirit - Shthana can also be run as an Ashuna target to have Riser + Shthana make Yazi.

Archnemeses Protos Package

Swordsoul Emergence, Archnemeses Protos, and Swordsoul Strategist Longyuan. Chixiao searches Emergence, which searches Protos. Longyuan is a soft brick and second emergence target. Longyuan can sometimes set up Baronne before committing to a normal if you open Emergence or Protos can make a free Chengying off of Chixiao's search. Blind calls are usually Dark to beat the common DPE and Phantom Knights.

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