
Diamond I from on July 30th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 690
42 cards

Notes & Combos

I prefer purer Blue-Eyes True Light Control Build, instead of combining it with adventurer token, but combining both is quite challenging and fun in itself.

Initially, I played 40 cards only, but on Diamond II, the combination of 3 out of equip, continuous spell, gryphon , or Blue-Eyes White Dragon started appearing on my starting hands way too often (5 out of 8) that I added 2 more solemn warnings to lessen brick percentage.

There were like 2 or 3 games that I could summon Baronne de Fluer, but if I couldnt summon Halqi in the same turn, I usually banish all of Halqi Baronne engine for prosperity cost.

If you have any questions on this deck, you can ask me on Blue-Eyes Channel by tagging me.

You can see my other Blue-Eyes Decks by clicking on my Master Duel Meta Profile.

Check on my Youtube channel (Duel Links Enjoyer for the Replays of my Blue-Eyes Decks.

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