
Diamond I from on July 19th, 2022
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 720
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Floo deck I used to climb to Diamond 1

D Shifter isn't exactly needed, it is GREAT in certain matchups like Prank/PK/Lich but can be substituted for other hand traps like Ash Blossom or board breakers.

I cut Maxx C as it is useless in the mirror and against stun players which run rampant in Plat/Diamond and with the prevalence of Called/Crossout in combo main decks. Maxx C is still EXCELLENT in combo matchups like Swordsoul/Kitchen Sink but even without Maxx C I felt like I could break through their boards quite consistently.

I cut Ash as I just felt like it does not have enough impact in most matchups due to the release of the Adventure engine. The only matchup where I consistently found it to be good was in the mirror.

extra deck is p negligible you just want 15 for pots.

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