
Diamond I from on July 9th, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Small confession why I decided to play this deck; I just love saying @ignister. Being a fan of vrains and on my quest to play every deck that was in it I knew I eventually had to come to this one. Being a very high rouge deck made hitting diamond 1 easy and barely any problems(not even deranking once). Can't say my build is unique since most of the time ending on arrival was the goal. At first I use to end it on 4k but then I realize that 99% of swordsoul decks don't play kaiju and have zero outs for arrival except boosting chengying with pot of desires to above 4k so ending on 5k on my first turn was the move which left me with a decent amount of follow ups even if it wasn't a swordsoul deck I was up against. Really wanted to add earth golem and water leviathan to my deck but it was just win more cards since having both light dragon and wind pegasus in my graveyard was more than enough for lethal with darkfluid. Darkfluid and link spider(for anti nibiru) were just fun cards but I use the link spider once and darkfluid only against numeron cause it negates numeron wall and can attack again. Overall, if you don't like swordsoul then this deck is for you. Hopefully we get a animation for arrival since it is the true definition of a boss monster. Also if you want to see how this deck deals with crooked cook here is a fun replay for you: Player ID: 598-997- 672 it is the only diamond replay at 7/6/2022

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