Sky Striker

Diamond I from on July 31st, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my Sky Striker deck which I used to get D1 during Season 7. It was my first time piloting the deck, and I found it challenging to master but strong and fun to play.

I play blind second. I have tried going first multiple times, but the most common opening (Shizuku set 1) just does not have enough to stop most boards without cards like There Can Be Only One, and I would rather have the extra card going second and handtrap my opponent to death.

I have also tried Adventure engine, and while I see its potential, I wanted to play without the engine first to learn Sky Striker on its own.

Most of the ratios are pretty standard, but I will try to explain some of the choices I made.

  • Ogre is strong in Adventure meta for popping Fateful and Gryphon. It was also good for dealing with Floowandereeze's Map, but I did not find many Floo players recently.
  • I only run 1 Roze. I ran 2 for a while, but I found that the times she helped me start did not outweigh the number of times I wish she was another card.
  • Gameciel is a last minute addition after I got destroyed by a tower one time too many. It came in clutch as a board breaker, turning off Gryphon, DPE, and even Nine Pillars sometimes.
  • Cyclone is great for sniping Dreaming Town, Pandemonium, and backrow in general. It can chain to Imperial Order, Skill Drain, and Fog Blade. Also helped dealing with field spells every now and then.
  • Hiita came up a few times to make a cheeky Accesscode climb with my opponent's Ash.
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