
Diamond I from on July 15th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is a going 2nd deck. Try to block off your opponent combo.

This deck rely on what you draw, a gamble deck.

You can change other staple cards with cards that could counter you frequently face off.

You could add crossout designator but it not ideal since you going 2nd against combo deck.

You also could add Dark Ruler No More but Tenyi Adventure easily negate that with Nine Pillars.

If you get to going first, make Drident or if you draw tenki, destroy Tenki with Drident, Chakanine special summon Zoodiac card from Graveyard, make Verte and summon Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer, +2 cards for your next turn.

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