Diamond I from on June 29th, 2022
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Your main goal is to end on Siegfreid+High Caesar as your interuptions,sometimes you will also end on Baronne De Fleur or Eternal Darkness.Eternal Darkness is especially powerfull vs Swordsoul matchup as only out they have is Vishuda,also it's a great card to search for with Kepler in case you get "Maxx C"ed,just setup scales with Gilgamesh set ED and pass,you would be suprised how many games you can win.

While the deck may not look as strong as other combo decks,it's extermely powerfull once you get going,not only do you have respectable combo potential but also great grind game(i was able to outgrind every single Eldlich player i faced,yes 30 min games go to this deck as you got Orthros to pop S/T and Ragnarok can banish their Golden Lords and none of them are hotp which means you can deal with multiple backrow/Golden Lord per turn).


My Player ID: 578-960-703 (in case you want to see some replays)

or check my yt channel where i post replays as well as combo videos for the deck: https://www.youtube.com/c/SuperNix

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