Dragunity Dragonmaid

Diamond I from on June 15th, 2022
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 690
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my 60 card version of Dragunity Dragonmaids, using a small Rokket engine as an extender and extra starters. Compared to the 40-card version it is less consistent and has a lower floor (since you don't always open the Dragunity engine) and more expensive, but it's ceiling is higher and it plays better through interruptions. Even if it's not as consistent, the chance of getting dead hands is small, as you can get Spheres at the very least, and once Spheres is in the field, the Maid engine also gets in motion which allow for it's good grind game to come in motion.

One of the best features of this deck is it's follow-up, as even the Dragunity engine is just a setup for the more explosive turns you can get later. The Maids plus cards like Arma Gram and Tempest allow for a great grind game. Grass also allows for very explosive turns since it's a one-card setup, but it's recommended to at least try and bait enemy's Ash Blossom before using it.

ID: 787-469-856 for replays. All of the replays available are using this deck either as it is, or with small changes. It shows combos, it's ability to grind games as well as it's power through interruptions.

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