
Diamond I from on June 12th, 2022 • 3 comments
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 480
16 UR Craft Required 1 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
46 cards

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3 years ago

Wow this is pretty wild. I see you don't run oyster meister is there a reason why?

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3 years ago

What NonamedPleb said, I'm not really using Link Monsters.

  • This deck gets Water Locked often because of the Ice Barrier trap card, so I use Big Fish to turbo out Water Extra Deck monsters, then finish my board my summoning Prima Donna which then summons Barrier Statue. Barrier Statue helps make my end board keep up with other Big Fish end boards.

End Board

  • If I'm Water locked, my end board will be Barrier Statue with Dragite, Swordsoul, Marincess, then Kragen or Toad.
  • If I'm not Water Locked, my end board will be Barrier Statue with Baronne, Swordsoul or Dragite, Marincess, Psy-Frame Omega Lord, Prima Donna.


  • If you banish 10 cards with Pot of Desires, then Swordsoul's effect will make your opponent's monster loose at least 100 atk for beach banished card, preventing them from beating over Barrier Statue in battle. They will need to 'draw the out' (DRNM/Droplet) or scoop.

  • For budget players, you can summon Number 37 Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark to also protect Barrier Statue, it might even be better than Swordsoul because it's more reliable, and can special summon Statue or any other monster from the GY if it gets destroyed.

  • You can dump Ice Barrier in the GY with Foolish Burial Goods.

  • The Ice Barrier trap card is important because it lets you search Big Fish or IcejadeTremora so you can special summon Big Fish from the hand without using up your normal summon. This also means you can normal summon Leafish or Summoner Monk to bait your opponent, if they get negated, you can summon Big Fish from the hand.

  • Using Ice Barrier, you can also search Gameciel with this deck, which has helped me break Swordsoul Boards. If I can take out one of their cards with Gameciel then summon Kragen, I can usually wipe their board. Kragen pops a card, then destroys itself in battle against Gameciel, then summons Kragen Spawn, which also destroys itself to summon Kragen so you can then pop another monster. If any of your pops get negated, well, then you can just summon Zeus and wipe the board.

  • If you're wondering why Summoner Monk is missing in my deck, well, most games I lost was because Summoner Monk got negated and I had nothing on the board by Summoner Monk. It was a huge choke point. Icejade Tremora+Foolish Goods basically lets us replace Summoner Monk with a way to summon Big Fish while letting us play through 1 interruption. Our monsters now also have more syngergy with eachother, so if I can't get Big Fish out, I can at least end up on a board with 1 or 2 Extradeck monsters, usually Toadally Awesome, Baronne, Swordsoul, Marincess, or Kragen

Final Note

  • I'll release a Video explaining the combo and deck in more detail.
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3 years ago

he doesn't have Apollousa too, now that I saw it, he only has one link monster too. I haven't seen this version of the deck in action but oyster meister was used to facilitate link plays.