Lunalight Raidraptor

Diamond I from on June 10th, 2022
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Make sure to include your Raider's Wing in your Evilswarm Nightmare if possible! Final turn 1 board should include:

  • Apollousa, usually 2400
  • Cyber Dragon Infinity
  • Evilswarm Nightmare
  • Lunalight Cat Dancer

With Leo Dancer in the graveyard for next turn and possibly Panther Dancer as well, but usually you want to add Wolf to the graveyard with your final Chick activation so that you can grab it with Tiger King -> Tenki -> Black Sheep and make a Cat Dancer by banishing Black Sheep and a Marten.

Leo Dancer and Accesscode Talker are your finishers with Dugares to power them up. Against Eldlich, consider not tossing your Sabre Dancer as you may need to summon it to get over the Eldliches.

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