Megalith Drytron

Diamond I from on June 15th, 2022
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 390
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Of the decks that I own, I find this to be the easiest to grind in Diamond at the moment, so I decided to push with it. I made it to Diamond 2 without DPE, but swapped the Called By out for DPE for the last push because DPE is a fallback plan always, while Called By you have to draw to use. I chose to drop Called By because, while it really is one of the most busted spells in the game, the frequency of using Lancea takes away from it. Next season I may try some Vanity's Ruler/Magikey/Scythe/Amorphactor cancer, but for now this is my old faithful. Some notes on cards:

Aratron: I'm the only one that does this, but Aratron is a rank 8 you search with Phul at the end of the combo. It gives you another pop with Bethor and lets you summon him with one tribute instead of two. Technically lets you dodge things with his quick effect, but never came up.

Beatrice: Finally came up once. Probably not worth bothering if you're making this for the ladder, as its main utility is for sending side deck cards.

Plasma: Finally won me one game going second against Tri-Brigade. I did innocent looking summons staring down MaxxC+DPE+Revolt, then gave him the SUCC and he could't do anything. You have to draw it exactly when you need it though, so I wouldn't invest in this again.

Nibiru: I wanted a card that I could draw into with Maxx C and get value. Orange Light and Effect Veiler are also good, but Imperm is dead if you have cards so I like it less.

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