Phantom Knights

Diamond I from on June 8th, 2022
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Some takes around my decklist choice and also on gameplay:

First of all it's a 60c deck so keep in mind that you always need to goes for smartest way to optimize your end board playing through disruption before just going all in into Rhongo praying for no ash, nibiru, imperm, veiler. There are some ways you can see if your opponent has Nibiru by just having Cherubini, Cir and another body which already gives you access to Apollousa before commiting into Bardiche (you can search shade with cloak/boots as your fifth summon, having another level 3 extender in hand, having emergency teleport).

At this point everyone probably know how Rhongo line works (it's always around shade + stained greaves which is the most safe line) but as I said it's a 60c deck who being disrupted can hurt a lot depending on how you are managing your resources, so another cool end board you can do with two cards like Tour Guide + Kagemusha or any other level 3 extender is ending on 3 Mat Apollousa, Evilswarm Nightmare, 2900 atk Bardiche + 1-2 Fog Blades + Break Sword in graveyard and some followup for your next turn like cloak summoned back by leviair, a pretty strong board hard to break even opening multiple blowout cards.

For last, this deck has two flex spots on extra: both are Evilswarm Nightmare and Masquerena, you can play Raider's Knight package if you want, Redoer as a boss instead of Nightmare, Milenium-Eyes Restrict + Instant Fusion in main for another extender/negate for handtraps.

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