Shiranui Eldlich

Diamond I from on June 7th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 1050
60 cards

Notes & Combos

A high-roll Zombie Synchro deck featuring Shiranui. The Shiranui engine itself is very slow, but meshing it with Eldlich to slow down the game allows it to make explosive plays later in the duel. You can run 3 copies of Spectralsword, but I wasn't fond of bricking with it.

Ideally, you need to have both Spectralsword and Solitaire in the grave to go for your Synchro plays, as Solitaire can special summon Spectralsword onto the field after it gets banished. This not only enables more Synchro plays, but it also puts Spectralsword back into the graveyard to be used on the next turn.

The original list had Shiranui Style Swallow's Slash, but I needed room to add more Going 2nd cards.

I'm going to be honest, Eldlich did all the hard work anyway.

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