Dragon Link

Diamond I from on May 30th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

quick lunch and chaos space best cards in the game. play 40 cards in order to see them more often

no DPE, conflict with pepega ruler mill, less bricks, save 2 extra deck space

10 hand traps give you 78% of opening at least 1, 37% of at least 2. Also playing droplet and talent as additional board breaker.

no cross out because BO1, need to play cards good going first and second.

Use spells and seyfert on itself first make sure gamma is live, auto wins if gamma resolves

against maxx C, outs are gamma, ash and called by, otherwise make seal and pass.

against nib, always make seal (not possible to make savage before 5 summon). If opponent reveals nib by not toggle off, then don't commit 100%, end turn with seal, pegega or levi, 90% of the time opponent nibs that. Then summon redmd to keep going.

deck auto losses to skill drain going second. Flex spots are talent, less abs, less veiler, phoenix, halq, triple burst

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