Dragon Link

Diamond I from on May 19th, 2022 • 7 comments
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 660
41 cards

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3 years ago

whats the theory on no maxx c? i guess to play more light hand traps?

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3 years ago

That's the main reason and then I found Ash for also stopping opponent Maxx c more important as a non-light handtrap. Also Is noticed in my duels resloving Maxx c, didn't make me win more games and the light handtraps are addable with chaos ruler and also duel in Grave to summon levi.

2 black metal to get seal consistant and dragonmaid package because its easier to out floodgates.

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3 years ago

Called by the grave is something I considered, because Maxx c is really annoying, but wanted tot Stay close to 40

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3 years ago

I like this deck and have been playing dlink for about a year. No maxx c is understandable but do you ever consider called by? Just with things like the maxx, ash and dpe running around. Personally gamma bricks for me often so I usually run veiler instead, but the deck looks great bro.

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3 years ago

Thx, yes as In said in a precious comment I did consider IT, but didn't know what to cut. And IT doesn't really help that much going second while gamma does I like the extra starters, brotaur and destrudo, maybe ghost ogre is cuttable, but Ik want enough lights And when I added Them I ran into alot of numeron decks. With swordsoul veiler is good instead of ogre. But On An 11 winstreak right now. Gamma is a powerful, but bricky handtrap yes, also stops Maxx c in some situatikns and iets powerful going second as IT negates and destroys

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3 years ago

When do you usually go into Halq and what are the plays usually from there? Haven't seen a Dlink build use Halq before.

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3 years ago

Most of the time its going second OR third turn of I went first to go for link 4 Playa and/OR quadborrel when I need a rokket. (Also pisty Plays if ai need to revive something from banished/grave

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