Gladiator Beast Tri-Brigade

Diamond I from on May 28th, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Hi, I'm Noshu Hyena on Master Duel, and I'll offer some comments on this build which took me from Plat V to Dia I

  • 1st or 2nd: It's a blind-2nd build

  • ONE ASH/MAXX C: I replaced the extras with hardier going-second cards like Droplet/Imperm to avoid Called By. It boosted consistency, and made board breaking more reliable. The remaining ones (and Nibiru) are Crossout targets

  • ONLY ONE RESCUE CAT: Cat = full combo, but it's the weakest and least versatile of your starters and the one most vulnerable to negations.

  • APEX Vs. BARRIER STATUE: Apex gives Heraklinos 1 extra negate, so it serves as 2. I found it's much safer to spread your negates across multiple monsters in case of Kaiju or Droplets (eg, Gadarla + Raigeki would break a Statue board, but not the Apex board). Apex was also better when you had to empty your hand to push through negates, since it gave you ample S/T protection even with no hand

  • DRAGON LORDS: Sometimes when I suspected they're saving Ash, Imperm, or haven't used their Chixiao, etc., I had to make a second Dragases to push through the negate. I wanted to try DDL to force the negate instead, however, I never summoned him (the Extra needs work)

  • IMPERM BEING SUBOPTIMAL: I almost always found it better to hold onto Imperm for my own turn instead of using it as a disruption. So I considered replacing 2 of them with Dark Ruler No More (but didn't have the UR material)

I hope that clears up some things about the idiosyncrasies of this build!

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