
Diamond I from on May 29th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The main combo is:

Starters (1 card combo):


Angelly (Best - Always Live) -> Summon Peting

Magileine (No GY) -> Add Peting -> Summon Peting

Hootcake (GY has a monster) -> Summon Peting

Pot of Prosperity -> Add Starter (This is a good place to chain droplets)


Main Combo Line:


Peting -> Summon Pudding -> Overlay Teacher -> Teacher effect -> Don't activate second effect -> Overlay Chocolat -> Effects -> (Summon Angelly (If not already summoned this turn) -> Angelly effect) -> (Summon Hootcake (If not already summoned)) -> Summon Messengelato -> Add Chateau -> Activate Chateau -> Trigger Chocolat -> Summon Messengelato Again -> Add Salon -> Actiavte Salon -> Summon Tiaramisu -> Win


Hard Garnets: Messengelato (If in hand try to get back into Deck)

Soft Garnets: Driver, Puddingcess (Can be summoned from hand, but useless)

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