
Diamond I from on November 21st, 2022
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 630
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The way to Diamond 1 was rough this season with Floo, Swordsoul, and Branded Despia around. This clean version of agents work best for me in terms of consistency and going through multiple intteruptions. There are 2 line-up: Earth + extender and Diviner. Both ends with a Kristya lock. Kristya turn 1 is an auto win against most meta decks that needs to special summon to start their stuff.

Core cards for ED : Masterflare Hyperion, Moon, Parshath.

Black rose comes up sometimes where I have to blow the field before fetching kristya (Earth + Corobane). Shenshen is an auto win against some decks like Salamangreat, or Dragon Link. Careful it can backfire sometimes. Accesscode is there to push for game.

I swapped Maxx C several times in Diamond II because everyone was playing Floo and Eldlich Branded. Tech cards like Imperm, Artifact Lancea, and Droll works well with the deck. Adjust it with your needs. I wanted to make a guide but the notes weren't enough to explain, so feel free to reach me out in Discord or comment out here.

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