Lyrilusc Tri-Brigade

Diamond I from on November 16th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

New to This Season

A lot more Floo on ladder. Like a lot. Pray that they brick, otherwise I had to play the long game and try to exhaust their resources. There are so little way that decks can hurt their resource loop that (should MD not hit them) they seem like the best investment for the coming months. (Assuming the Tear 0 format would come next year or so…)

Anyway, a lot of Branded Eldlich as well because of Zombie World against Floo.

Thanks to those, we take an indirect hit since what counters Floo also counters us… Droll, Zombie World, Lancea…

A lot of Marincess and those are very hard to deal with due to the Spell negate and the Marincess Wave. Sadge

Also, because of branded, expect ash/imperm, which also hurt.

Deck Change this month

Lightning Storm / Feather Duster are added to counter Floo + Backrow heavies.

Droll was added at first but does too little against other decks, so eventually was cut for 3 Maxx C.

Apex Avian instead of Barrier Statue for Floo. (Play both if you feel brave)

Scareclaw Light-heart is really good as the only Link-1 Tri-Beast. As a result, Downerd is cut for the space.

Prosperity is good until I realize the only win con against Branded is the counter damage from the Xyzs.

Also, not as many Nibirus this season so you can go for an unsafe combo more often (by looping the XYZ and Celestine Wagtail) but I personally would not risk that.

Beryl Canary?

Best bird

Player id: 082-110-465

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