
Diamond I from on November 3rd, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard marincess build. Droll for floo and helps play through maxx c. One nib to draw into when my maxx c resolves for those combo decks that attempt to otk through maxx c. Duster and storm to help vs backrow. I'm using double tactics over double desires because desires would always screw me over and tactics was just a much more versatile and consistent option. I tried two waves but one wave is just more consistent since two was always win more and just made my hands more bricky if I didn't have a starter. I also am not using cynet mining because when all I have are tech cards or handtraps, an ash on the cynet causes me to minus 1 if I didn't have any starter or extender. I felt the deck was consistent enough that I did not need to use cynet therefore I went for extra techs or handtraps. Nothing unique to say about the extra deck, kragen is core since it helps vs avramax, helps to otk, and just really good in general. I would love to use bagooska but crystal heart making my link 4 unaffected comes up more vs matchups like branded despia and floo and random decks that cant deal with the field spell immediately.

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