
Diamond I from on November 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The point of the build was to turn what usually are bricks (Harp and Knightmare) into high quality extension tools that let you play unfazed through interruption by being readily discarded. This conversion also opens a bunch of space up in the decklist, which allows me to play 17 NON-ENGINE CARDS.


Stats I wrote code to calculate πŸ’€: (In parantheses: with Crossout)

  • Hands that play through Maxx "C":γ€€ 43,7%γ€€(49,6%)

  • β€ŽHands that play through Ash:γ€€γ€€γ€€52,7%γ€€(57,7%)

  • β€ŽHands that play through Imperm: γ€€ 44%γ€€β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž (50,1%)

  • β€ŽHands that play through Veiler:γ€€ γ€€55,5%γ€€(60,1%)


Improvised how-to-play guide:





Other notes:

  • I chose Enemy Controller as my 16th and 17th non-engine because it was a Skill Drain out (CL1 Ding, CL2 Controller tribute Ding target Eldlich) that was also a useful (often even strong) card in every matchup going both 1st & 2nd.

  • The deck opens Orcust combo 85,7% of the time going first and 91% going second (not counting "crash Harp into an opponent's monster"). So you will open hands that do not have immediate Orcust combo about 1 in 9 games.

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