Pendulum Magician

Diamond I from on November 18th, 2022
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 720
41 cards

Notes & Combos

First month using Pendulum Magician's as I realized they're rather cheap to build and I wanted to try out a meta pendulum deck. Some things of note for my build:

  • I went for the FTK version using the fusion Lyrilusc and Verte since it can do it pretty reliably going first on ladder. Would not use this version in a tournament but love it for ladder for some free wins. The FTK line is essentially the same as the normal power line until very late in the combo so it's easy to bail if you feel any delays. By the point of it being an option you almost certainly already played through their handtraps with electrumite/timestar/other cards already anyways.
  • I did not play Beyond the Pendulum because I didn't feel it was needed. I'd consider borreload over ignister as well, one is better going 2nd one better going first. If I didn't have verte/the bird I'd have BtP in here for sure.
  • Bagooska is insanely strong right now with both Floo/Branded needing to see their tech's to out it
  • This deck is insanely hard to master, I still feel like a rookie with it
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