Sky Striker

Diamond I from on November 8th, 2022
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Again, I decided to play going 1st strikers. This time I played 158 games from plat 5 to d1 with a 62.3% winrate My winrate when going first was 69.7% and when forced to go second it was only 55.1%, so I was pretty happy with the performance of the build.

I don't play avarice, hercules or cynet universe because I noticed I don't really need them, 80 games out of 158 were decided on turn 2 and 3, so I wanted as much playable cards as possible in my starting hand and these cards are bricks early game.

I decided to play TCBOO to beat Floo because it is arguably the most prevalent deck in the ladder and this card gave me so many free wins vs a lot of decks including them, the only real downside is the despia matchup, but I was doing fine vs them, so I took the risk. IMO TCBOO is better than kaiser, the card can clear fields, it decent going second, and the most important thing, it does not need raye on the field.

I recorded all the matches, number of turns and shared it on mdm discord under sky striker channel, if u have any questions or want me to send you all the recorded data send me a message: aIsaac#9384

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