Virtual World

Diamond I from on November 10th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 390
40 cards

Notes & Combos

As usual, replays at 781-697-168.

Hot Red Archfiend Abyss is CLUTCH. If Beatrice gets negated, you need to somehow end on a negate or else you just die to one Floo / Branded normal summon. Hot Red is the solution: Synchro into Muddy Mudragon (level 6) and then synchro Mudragon + Lulu/Nyan into Hot Red (level 9). That will let you end on (1) Hot Red, (2) Chuche to blow up Map, and (3) Snow in GY.

I wanted to run Hyper Psychic Riser this season but it is not that great against Floo; it'll just get flipped facedown by Dreaming Town anyway. I cut it and Foolish Burial to make room for the Hot Red package and 2 Droll to counter the meta. Droll ends Floo turns immediately and is also quite good against Pendulum, which relies on continual hand manipulation effects to get anything going. Final Sigma is also here to counter Floo; their only out to it is Underworld Goddess, which you should be able to prevent by clearing the board with Sigma.

Another way to counter Floo is to use Shooting Riser, Cupid Pitch, and Nemeses Corridor to summon Thunder Dragon Colossus. Rain, the recent Damage Step winner, invented that setup yesterday. If you want to learn how to play that build or just Virtual World in general, check out #virtual-world in the Master Duel Meta public Discord server. I've pinned a 67 page guide in the channel. The guide has combos for every 2 card opening hand and is updated every month with new combos and meta advice.

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