Code Talker

Diamond I from on October 14th, 2022
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Final version of my heatsoul control deck.

I dropped most of the traps in favor of handtraps since it's better to have continually live draws off heatsoul draws. Droplet is a godsend going first and second and parallel exceed makes bagooska lines accessible. Clock Wyvern is a solid alternative for those who don't want to drop the UR on Cyberse gadget but that card is probably one I'd run at 3 if I could with how much value it provides but I'm holding off until I get the rest of my staple collection finished. Anti-spell basically screws with every deck in the meta and if you flip it against despia/floo, it's basically a free game. Only good going first but literally stole me so many games.

This deck is just staples.dek and your boards can vary anywhere from a single conflict or literally 3 handtraps with an antis-spell+ conflict. Literal die roll deck but I live for heatsoul draws.

I normally don't do this but here's my duelist ID for those interested in what this deck can do in my public replays.


The ceiling of the deck is fairly low but it makes heatsoul extremely consistently while being very fun to draw so much if heatsoul stays up.

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